Our pain, could we not see?

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You never saw my pain, I never saw yours.
Yet you understood my pain better than anyone else.
And I understood yours.
My pain reached deep within my roots, back to the past.
Yours did too.
No one saw your pain, no one bothered to see.
They saw my pain, no one saw my needs.
When we talked, we could see our pain.
I could see my pain aligning with yours.
Our pain so similar, but so different at the same time.
I saw your pain, you saw my needs.
But we never saw through each other's masks, never broke the walls of our damaging confinement.
Your pain damaged you, worse than my pain damaged me.
Yet we've been damaged all the same.
The scars on your body are new, I know of them.
I have them too, some of different origin.
You won't ever know of my scars, because you will never see them.
I know of yours, because I see them.
I can feel your pain, but you can't feel mine as much.
We can only know of our pain, but never see.
We are healing slow.
My pain stable.
Your pain more fragile.
Our pain, we could see.

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