I don't know you, do you know me?

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Dear father, do you know me?
You have been in my life ever since I dwellt upon this world, but what do you know about me?
I know your birthday, you know my birthday.
You know my name, I know yours.
I sometimes don't know your age, do you know mine?
I don't know your favorite food, your allergies, your favorite color, do you know mine?
I know your favorite type of car, do you know mine?
Father, worry not.
I don't know either.
You don't know my favorite things to do, what I'm interested in, what I care about.
You don't know how to make and understand jokes.
Father, worry not.
I don't know either.
You are not absent, just working very long.
I know that it's hard, that you work hard.
You don't understand that times have changed for my generation.
You don't understand that I want to do what I like.
You don't know how to be open minded, but don't worry, I know that.
Father, I love you deeply.
But I don't know you.
And you don't know me.

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