You disgust me

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Wherever I go, I see your face.
I despise it, wish I could make it meet the ground.
But too many are watching, lucky you.
You never understand, they don't look at you, don't listen to you.
Just like you.
They look at me, listen to my words.
Unlike you.
You think they like you, but they don't.
They tell me things about you, an answer to my question at my every call.
When will you understand?
I am socially superior to you.
You disgust me.
When they tell me, how you try to be a teacher's pet.
When they tell me, the disapproving look in their eyes whenever you begin to talk.
When they tell me, teachers letting out a sigh whenever you put on an act of understanding the hints they give you to answer the simplest of questions.
It truly disgusts me.
Knowing that I explained you how to properly bond with your teacher.
You don't have anyone.
No one, except my own two friends.
I want to keep them from you, as I'm afraid you'll have a bad influence on them.
But I am a tolerant mother, so I let them spend time with you.
I will not hesitate to hunt you away if I see you being a bad influence.
I will not accept you in my territory.
It disgusts me, knowing you invade my domain and act like it's yours.
It disgusts me, having to endure your loud voice and ugly scream like laughs in my realm.
You don't laugh, you let out a scream.
You don't talk, you scream.
You complain, but you don't solve.
You disgust me.
How could we have ever become friends?

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