There's this side to me

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I manage to keep calm most of the time, think rational, but let's be honest.
No one can forever suppress those thoughts, desires.
I know my mind, I know my ability to endure, but I crave to give in.
There's this side to me.
Craving destruction, self-destructive perhaps.
I know very well, the harm it does.
To others.
To me.
I don't care.
I want to follow my desires, give what I've been given.
Destruction, misery, pain.
I've learned it the hard way, peace is not always the option.
There's this side to me, that just wants to take back what's been taken from me.
Take what I am missing, what they took.
Give them what they should get, what I will give.
Destruction, they will get.
This side of me, it will reclaim.
It is rightfully mine.
My destruction will not backlash, nor will theirs harm me again.
I will not step down on their level.
I will step even lower.
They can't take, what's already been taken.
And there's this side to me.
This side, it waits.
Waiting to destroy you.

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