04 - Planned

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| Wukong |

It didn't take long to get where we were getting reports of criminal activity from. Nezha sent three agents and I to the location where the other two agents kept an eye out and such. Tapping the wheel impatiently, but kept myself from getting distracted. Keeping my eyes on the road and watching out for any shooters on the sidelines elsewhere in the city.

If I knew anything, the show True Crime had an episode where someone got kidnapped. Or many someones. I really didn't want to have to work through finding a person or many persons if they were already going to be found by someone else, either that or found dead.

So many people had gone missing within the years that passed. After I became an agent, I sent out to put each criminal behind bars.

But knowing the me now, this was my responsibility. I wasn't going to have the ability to be lazy now. If I knew how the law enforcement system worked, it's that Nezha, who was the director of the FBI was watching my progress through a small body cam. Yes. Each agent had one strapped onto their uniform.  I was now sighing heavily when we made it to our destination at the now overly crowded station.

The train was further away from its stopping point. Underneath it was an old railway station that had not been used in quite some time now. Three years if I weren't mistaken. Wow.

It feels like ten. I told myself. "Earth to Kong! Keep your head in the game! We're here!" Said Ali, causing me to pull the van around a bend, parking in the alleyway so we didn't get spotted. Cloaking the vehicle with a device that was handed to me. This was never going to get old. It was like being a version of James Bond in a spy movie without having the cameras recording everything.

"Keep your head low. You and those three are dressed to look like civilians. Do NOT blow your cover. Understood?" Nezha asks, through my ear piece. I didn't say a word, but I agreed nonetheless. Walking with the three agents that were assigned to follow me. Step by step, we made it to the station. The crowd of people were going crazy with pointing out that the train ahead wasn't coming any closer than when it had. I spotted red lights underneath the underpass by the rails and realized that this place was about to soon go up in flames. I was surprised no one else could smell fuel in the air. Probably besides Ao Lee. He was trained for this sort of thing.

But, everybody in the station was in grave danger. I needed to get them out before it was too late. But how could I? I couldn't blow my cover, so I acted along with the crowd and blended in just to be grabbed by Ao Lee. Signalling me not to go too far from them, since I had that habit of going elsewhere and getting lost.

Being in a crowd made it easier for me to slip pass people and get myself onto higher ground. Walking step by step, soon looking at the backend of the building. Coming across a ladder that led to the roof. Climbing it briefly to now being higher than before.

I could now see the train. Which wasn't moving anymore. It was like it was stuck on the tracks somewhere.

"There you are-"

"Kong. You need to come back." Ao Lee's voice came through my ear piece this time, making me jump.

"I can't come back. I'm already on top of the-"

Soon I was shot at, causing me to duck and cover. Staying perfectly still. Hearing chatting below of where I stayed. Holy shit-- I don't know who shot at me. But whoever it was, it was from afar. There was only one person who could do that from that far of a distance.

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