05 - Pleasant

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TW// Smut ahead! But there is also a bad slur in this chapter. So watch out for it.

| Macaque |
| The next day . . Tuesday . . |

I had grown stressed and angry. I did get what I wanted in the end, but there wasn't really much of a fight.

Sighing briefly to sit back in my office chair and feel a a pair of arms noose around my neck from behind.

I was lost in thought. Everything happened the way it did for a reason. My plan was simple. I wanted nothing to do with DBK or the other two. His mafia was being an eyesore if I were being honest.

But I-

"Hey handsome." Came a familiar voice above me, making the hair on my neck stand up. Briefly feeling the breath of someone behind me. Knowing too well that it was one of the many women who services me. She was tracing the outline of my jaw, I sit further back into my chair and look at her.

"You look absolutely lovely today. Carmella." I spoke, softly. Smirking once I hear her hum in agreement. "Thank you. It means a lot. I do simply love dressing up for you, daddy~" She says, with a smile. Her skin was fairly tanned and her hair was dyed the color blue, she had been wearing make up for the time being. But even she knows that I hate it when I'm kissed and covered in lip stick. But I felt too lazy to care about that now.

"Awwh. Does daddy need to let out some pent up frustration?" Came her voice. She had that habit of asking me this since it wasn't the first time we had done this. I knew why she was here. Early on when I had returned, Page had told me that she was here for my needs. Which is what I wanted. I needed to relax, so there is that.

I pushed my chair back a bit to let Carmella walk around to be in front of me. Almost like she was crawling underneath my desk.

"You know what to do. If you do a good job, then you'll be paid twice as much." I say, lighting up a cigarette and puffing it.

It looked like I was doing work, thanks to the desk that was in front of me. Feeling her hands get to work when I grabbed some paperwork off my desk and read through what DBK and I were discussing only months before. The plan to blow the subway station sky high was a complete failure. That's why I was angry. I normally don't stress about this, but not having to see it on the news made me want to shoot my TV.

So I did the only smart thing I managed to do yesterday and bolted back into the shadows. Which I was good at. Peng got on my nerves yesterday for mentioning the words 'crybaby' to me only because of it.

Actually I went through the floor exit if you wanted to know.

Ironic, in the end, it was apart of my plan for DBK to get caught by the law anyway. Not like it effects him much since he's filthy rich.

I had nothing against DBK's mafia. It was that he was always getting in my way, making it harder for me not to shoot his ass. His wife on the other hand knows how that annoys the hell out of me.

Silica, or she's known as Princess Iron Fan, she's is a sweet woman. Cunning, but sweet with a bit of sour around the edges.

I was soon caught by surprise when Page had walked into the room without knocking. (Since my door was open. Whoever walks by either looks in or minds their own business). But she had been an agent of Red Sparrow, so knew what was going on.

Redemption |ShadowPeach|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon