Near Wild Heaven

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I met Lucas in the hall of the hospital, we were going to see Dan

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I met Lucas in the hall of the hospital, we were going to see Dan.

"Going out again?'

Luke asks looking me up and down.

"Yeah. So lets get this over with.''

I led Luke into Dan's room.

''I'm glad you came kids.''

''You wanted to see us?''

''Yes I did. I wanna do something I should've done a long time ago. I wanna apologise to you and to your mother.I'm sorry Lucas, Blake; for everything.''

I shot Luke a quick,confused look.

After the visit to the hospital, I ended up at the bar with my fake ID, where I've been going for the past three days. After my night with Derek, I decided, why wait for Jake? He's never coming back to me, no matter how much I miss him.

''Can I buy you a drink?''

I gave a smirk at the handsome man in front of me.

''Sure. A Sex on the Beach would be nice.''

He ordered my drink before turning back to me.


''Tinsley.'' I lied biting my lip.

''Well, Tinsley, what are you doing here all alone?''

''My friends ditched me. So I'm here to find some fun by myself.''

"Lets have some fun then.''
Soon we were both pretty lit and stumbling around the bathroom stall of the bar.

"Thanks for letting me stay over last night B.'' I smile at Brooke as we entered mom's cafe.

''No problem. Couldn't let you get caught by your mom, can we?''


''Your shower is gonna totally kill.'' Brooke states  to Haley.

''Normally, killing's not good.''

''No, no, but this time, it is. Eyes forward.'' Brooke snapped a picture of Haley.

''What's that for?''

''Don't worry about it. Just leave the shower to me OK? I'm gonna teach Haley James...Scott...whoever you are right now, how to have some serious fun. Tomorrow night, I'm tutor girl.''

I giggled as Brooke walked away.

''You look horrible.''

''Shut up and get me a muffin.'' I laughed at Haley.

I stood with Fergie, Luke and Skills as we bubble wrapped Mouth into a spinner chair in Luke's room. I began to draw targets on him as Haley walked into the room.

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