The Space in Between

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"It's about time you woke up

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"It's about time you woke up. You know you didn't have to ruin the surprise."
My eyes connect with my brothers and I feel myself grin.
I've been up from my coma for about two days now.
"It took you long enough to get here big brother."
"Hey, I live across the country."
Luke hugs me lightly.
"What surprise are you talking about?" I ask seeing Chase and Tommy walk in to my room.
"I'm moving back home!"
My eyes narrow, "what."
"I'm coming back. I was going to tell you but you had to go and get shot. Peyton has to finish an album then we're coming back. Thats a thing about being an author, you can write wherever."
"Oh I'm so happy." I cry as Chase pats my hair.
"Hows Clay today?" I ask Chase who gives me a smile, "he's doing better. Still out though."
"But the Doc says he's getting stronger. Nathan's with him now." Tommy explains with a shrug.
"Ima go see Nate. I'll be back, okay?"
"Alright love you. "

"Aunt Blake!"
Three of my favorite humans come running in with Jack and Tommy following behind them.
"Hey babies! What's going on?"
"We are going to see Merida and Killian with Jack and Uncle Tommy!" Keith says as he kisses my cheek.
"Bored of me already?" I fake a frown as Jamie laughs.
"Of course not! Bored of the hospital though."
"I can stay if you want me to Mama. I know you're worried about Clay." Kayson offers as she sits on my other side.
"No go have fun. I'll be here when you get back."
"You better be." Jack demands playfully as he scoops Kayson into his back.
"I love ya B, see in a bit."
"Love you too, T. Thabk you for watching them."

"Hey. You know, I never told you congratulations on your pregnancy." I grin at Haley as she and Quinn sit with me in my room.

"Thanks. Well, you were kind of busy with the whole trying-to-live thing, so...I'm glad you did."

"Me too." Quinn nods passing me some grapes.

"So... We need to talk about Clay."

"Is he awake?" I question Haley with a raised brow.

"No, he's not. His organs are failing. He's on a respirator, and it's breathing for him right now."

"He's gonna be okay." I shrug, looking at Quinn who nods along with me.

"He needs a kidney transplant. If he doesn't get it, they don't think that he's gonna make it."

"I need to see him." I deadpanned.

"You can't."

"Hales, I need to talk to him. Please."
"I'll try."
Haley walks out as Quinn stands up.
"I'll go steal a wheelchair, you get ready to move."

"I'll be out here if you need me." Quinn smiles as she parks me beside Clay.
I wait for Quinn to exit before holding Clays hand.
"Hi, baby. It's me. I'm right here. Hey, handsome. You know, my whole family was here. It's usually best to be in a coma for that, so...Nice work. I also need to tell you that it's gonna take longer to get into Nathan's basketball games next year because my right boob is gonna set off the metal detector. Apparently, I still have the bullet in me, so you can cross that off your fantasy-girl wish list. So just between us, everybody's putting on a really brave face, but I think they're all really scared. Because they can't imagine losing you. It's too much to imagine. But that's not gonna happen, is it? My man is too strong for that. So why don't -- why don't you surprise us all... And open those beautiful blue eyes and take my breath away like you know you do. Just open those eyes...That see me like no eyes ever have. And I'll be right here waiting."
"Hey gorgeous."
I turn my head and smile at Chase.
"Hey babes."
Chase squats beside us with a soft smile.
"Our man's not awake yet. He sure is making everyone worry isn't he?"
"He needs a kidney. I'm getting scared Chase."
"I know baby. I know. I wish I could help but I'm not a match. I already tested."
I let a tear fall before hugging the man.
"Youre wonderful Chase. I'm so glad you're here."
"I have to tell you.... Nathan got tested too. He wasnt a match... he doesn't have long, B."
"I don't... I don't want to live without you, okay? I'm sorry. I love you so much, and this world is too big and it's too dark and it's too much if you leave it." I sob as hold onto Clay.

I spent hours with Clay alone, begging him to live.
"I love you. You know that? But I want to talk to you about Sara. Because I know how much you loved her, and how much she loved you. And I don't... I don't know how it works in heaven, but I'm sure that they have a plan for that. For you to be with her but... But to also be with me. Because in my heaven... It's just us. You and me and the twins. They must have a plan for that."
Heaving a sigh I pull up the newspaper and read it to Clay, "Victoria Davis, the key player in the clothes over bros financial scandal, reports to prison today in North Carolina. In exchange for her guilty plea, Ms. Davis was convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud, a reduced sentence that carries with it a shorter prison term.The Charlotte bobcats are still without recently signed point guard Nathan Scott. No timetable has been set for his return to the team. The team says they may explore free-agent options and would also would consider trading for an established player before the season begins. The Atlanta falcons are still without their top draft pick, quarterback Troy Jameson. The Arkansas prospect continues to hold out.  Will Bennett died Monday evening. Mr. Bennett was an active sportsman, a son, a brother, and beloved by many. His organs were donated so that others might live."
I smile sadly at the mention of the man who may have saved Clays life.
"You look pretty. Hi."
My eyes connect with two blue ones, "God, I missed you." I hiccup, leaning forward.
"Is this heaven?"
"No. Just my version of it." I state as the twins let out a shout from the door.

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