Show Me How to Live

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"The party has arrived!" Kam shouts as the three of us enter my child hood home

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"The party has arrived!" Kam shouts as the three of us enter my child hood home.

"Well my hearing is gone." Mikey grumbled as he sits Payton's baby shower presents on the table.

"Yours and mine both." I agree, taking my jacket off.

"Hey guys!" Peyton waves from her seat.

"Hey P. Sawyer." I give her a quick hug before sitting beside her.

"Brooke and Haley's on their way."

"Oh, wow, what is it?" Peyton holds her gift from Haley.

" It's a baby memory book, and you put photos and journal entries and all that stuff in it. When you look at it five years from now, you'll never believe they were that small."

"it's true the twins are six now and I can't believe the little things they loved at that age."

"You know, Victoria almost got one of those for me."Brooke comments, smiling at me.

"Peyton. You okay?" Mike asks.

"I love it. Thank you. And ... I just want you guys to know... I love you so much." Peytons eyes drifts over all of us.

"I love you, too."

"we love you." "I love you, P."

" Okay, hold on. I'm taking a picture ... no crying for the picture. Yeah? Okay. Okay? Get in here. Ready? One, two, three."

all of us smile as Mia clicked the camera.

We were all getting ready to leave when Peyton grabs my hands,"can I talk to you!"

"yeah sure." We walk into the baby room and sat down.

"Make me a promise."


"if something happens to me-"


"if something happens to me I need you to make sure Lucas doesn't shut down. That he'll be there for the baby... don't let him be any less of an amazing father then he's meant to be."

"I promise.."

"and watch out for Brooke and check on my dad. Dads dying that he isn't here."

"I'll take care of everyone P. Larry, Brooke, Luke.. everyone."

"I know we have a messed up past but I hope you know I do love you and consider you my sister."

"I love you too... you been my sister since we met, and yeah we fought in high school but sisters fight Sawyer."

"She's leaving."

I sat on my couch as Jack bounded into the room.


"Sam. She's going to her real moms. I should have told her I was staying before Tom and I left.. she wouldn't be going anywhere."

Jack sits beside me as he lays his head in my lap causing me to play with his hair.

"That wouldn't have stopped her, J. She's finally having the mother she dreamed about all her life."

"why can't Brooke be that mother?"

"in a way she is.. it's different when it's your birth parents... Jack you're sixteen years old, you have so much life ahead of yourself. I know her leaving hurts but it'll all work out."

"I don't know how you did it."


"you were a single teen mother of twins and the father died... I'd have given up."

"I was never alone though. I had family.. the family you have now. Jack, everything seems hard as a teen, hell even now, but I promise you have people here for you. Sams just one of the many you love you."

"Thanks B, I love you..."

"I love you too kid."

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