is this goodbye..?

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In which Diane's time in Spain was coming to an end. And after a few months of falling out of touch Diane surprises Jude.


This morning I woke up with my bag packed in the corner. It was the day I go back home to Atlanta, which meant no more Jude, no more clubbing, and no more sleeping in. Jude said he would drop me to the airport so he pulled up to my house at 8 am. I walk into his car and he says good morning.

Jude: morning D
Me: hey Jude
Jude: I'm sad you're going back to the states.
Me: Yeah.. me too but I have to!
Jude: well I'll call you everyday even if it's day there and night here . He grabs my hand
Me: And I'll call you everyday even if it's day there and night here . I smile and give him one last kiss.

As I'm heading on the plane I look out the window . Wow I'm going home now. See you soon Spain. 

TIME JUMP ( 4 months )


When Diane first left we called every night and talked about everything. As the months went by we slowly started loosing distance and I started becoming interested in something more physical. I didn't want to be in a relationship where i can't hug her, smell her, or touch her. I started fucking random girls to distract my self and I'm on my 2nd relationship. Her name is Tonya she's from London, she dark skinned, and she's really hot. I've seen a few of Diane's posts and it seems like she having fun in Atlanta, but I'm not worried about her anymore. I'm still hanging out with the boys and clubbing. But I'm also taking my football very seriously.


After I left me and Jude were super close but we started falling out of touch. He became distant and I became depressed without him but Kiki was there to cheer me up and help me get out there. I ended up making a lot of new friends and I have a friend group consisting of ( Kendall Jenner, Kiki, Mila, and me). I loved my new friends we have so much fun all the time. I was in the mall and an agent bumped into me and said I could model for magazines and lots of different companies so I pared up and now I'm officially under Danblue Agency. I sold my business for 700k and I'm living in the hills with my friends. I wanted to surprise Jude since I was going to Spain for a gig.

I land in Madrid and take a taxi to Jude's place. I told the girls I would meet them at the hotel later today. I knew the boys still lived here because of the way it was decorated. I knocked on the door but nobody answered so I used the key Jude gave me the day I left and walked in. I went upstairs and opened all the door nobody was home. I slowly and quietly went up to Jude's and pushed it open saying "SUPRI-" There was a really pretty dark skinned girl with long black hair on top of him and she gave me an ugly look and said. "Uhm excuse me ?" "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I closed the door and ran downstairs tears filled in my eyes. "Jude had his clothes back on and ran after me. "Wait diane!" He called out. "Yes?" I replied.

Jude What are you doing here?. He looked disgusted
Me I came to surprise you so we can catch up but I guess you're busy. I say wiping my tears
Jude Yeah I kind of am.
Me Well I guess you have your priorities straight so here. I dropped the key on the floor and headed for the door when he started  talking.
Jude Well am I supposed to fucking wait around while your gone half way across the world?
Me in the moment my heart sank to my stomach and my throat knotted up.
Jude yeah now you're quiet.
Me I'm not doing this right now fuck you and your bitch. I'm out. I storm out the door slamming it.
Jude FUCKING SLAG he yells
Me while I'm standing out side I break down so hard you could probably hear it from China.

I knew I couldn't let Jude ruin my mental health I knew I needed to get my payback for being called a slag because that's not something I am.

Mood music
fashion - brittney Manson

At the hotel I told the girls everything and they were so upset for me. They took me shopping to get my mind off of it but everywhere I go I can see Jude's stupid fucking face. The next day I head to set for my first shoot. It's a Vogue shoot, they wanted to talk about me becoming a rising model after being a previous entrepreneur. After the shoot I went out for lunch when my agent called and said that the shoot had to be published early (tomorrow).

The next morning I open my social medias to a bunch of notifications.

@VougeUK has tagged you in a post

Oh my gosh!!! The Vogue cover got 20 m likes but when I went to the comments I was a bit disappointed.

@user2083 - wasn't she seen at a club with Jude Bellingham?
-> never heard of her but she's beautiful
-> probably some random
-> imagine hating because shes beautiful and sucessful.. 🌚

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I don't want to be known as Jude Bellingham's friend , girl , or girl who was partying with footballers so I knew I had to prove myself.

TIME JUMP ( 2 months )


My life feels different a shift. Without Diane it feels weird. The boys miss her. And I miss her. Yelling at her that one time was a mistake , I've been seeing her modeling everywhere. It's crazy how you don't realize what you missed out on until it's dangling right infront of you. I wish I never told her she wasn't here for me knowing she would give anything to just breathe the same air as me. Tonya is still around but she's mid. She doesn't make me laugh nearly as hard , and the moment I talk to a girl she will basically kill her. I wish I could just text Diane and say. missing you.

I will always have her first big magazine cover laying on my nightstand.

Authors note!!

so this chapter was horrible but I don't want to waste a chapter or mess up the plot so.. yeah 💀

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