operation jiane pt.2

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In which Jadon's plan to put Diane and Jude back together is slowly working.

you know your beautiful right?

Me: Thanks. I say monotone.

Jude: Well are you enjoying yourself?

Me: Yeah, I guess I am in a way.

Jude: That's good.

Me: So tell me more about what you've been up too.

Jude: Well games have been going good, and
I've been in and out situationships but that's nothing to worry about. This is about you and me. He looks in my eyes.

Me: I break the eye contact when my phone rings and *kiki 🥰* appears.

Me: Sorry I should take this. I say getting up from the sand.

Jude: No problem.

✦ ✦ ✦

Me: Hey Kiki what's up?
Kiki: Hey girl, I came to your room where did you go?
Me: I had to share with Jude becuase of some booing mistake so we went out to the beach.
Kiki: So you worked things out?
Me: I guess for now we're slowly building back up our relationship.
Kiki: That's awesome but we're all coming down, so your little date is crashed.
Me: Well it's not a date so I'm okay!
Kiki: Love you monkey!
Me: Love you stinka!

I hang up the phone and walk back over to Jude to let him know the whole group is coming down.
About 20 mins later they all make their way down and set up a bunch of chairs and towels on the sand.

Jadon: So people this would not be a good weekend without some drinking games. He pulls out a bottle of liquor and says, "Talk or shot. Real simple, you get asked a question if you don't wanna answer you take a shot. The two people with the most shots taken skinny dip together tonight."

Me: Are you sure this is a good idea Ja-. I get cut off by everybody else.

Everybody: I'm in.

So the game starts.

Jadon: Okay let's start slow, Kendall who's your celebrity crush?

Kendall: Myself. Everybody laughs with her.

Jadon: Okay fair. Vini, who's the hottest girl sitting here?

Vini: After a moment of silence he pours in his shot glass and swallows it.

Jadon: Oh wow Vinicius Jr.

Jadon: Next up on the tourture wheel.. Kiki! Do you think Jobe is fit?

Kiki: I'm not skinny dipping so, yes.

Everybody: "Bro we knew it" "Aww Kiki and Jobe" "Kiki Bellingham".

Jadon: Okay Jude. When Jadon said his name I was afraid. "Tonya or Diane?"

Jude: He looks around as everybody waits for an answer and pours a glass. Right then and there my heart shatters for the second time.

Jadon: Oh wow..

Jadon: Well now we all know who has to go next.
Ms Rose! Everybody jokingly claps. "Is Jude good in bed or was that a rumor?". Jadon smirks.

Me: Well two can play at that game. I look around and pour a shot. I can see Jude's demeanor drop. good.

After a few more rounds of this game the rankings were

Shots total

Kiki - 3
Vini - 1
Diane -5
Jude- 4
Jadon -2
Mason - 2
Kendall -1

Which meant me and Jude had the most shots meaning we lost.

Jadon: Well ladies and gentleman we have our losers, DIANE AND JUDE! Okay so you'll be back here at 9 pm and you'll need to be in for 30 minutes. Jadon has a devilish smirk.

Me: And what if I opt out?
Jadon: Well then your a pussy
Me: I'm not a pussy.
Jadon: Then do it. 9pm you and jude. skinny dip.
Me: face palm


authors note-
silly chapter for fun ..
your being warned for the next one ..
don't forget to like and vote
-zoe 🥰

if you don't I'll send Trent to tickle your toes at 3am 😉

forever young J. BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now