Ghoul headcannons

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   I just remembered I have some head cannons....they're pretty basic but here you go merry Christmas 🎄


* The ghouls all have powers based on their elements

* That are pretty territorial and very protective of each other and especially of anyone they love.

* They all have enhanced superhuman strength, stamina, endurance,  hearing, etc

* They have a glamor where they can basically shift into a human form and have a human appearance

* They purr when happy or comfortable, they can also chuff like tigers

* They chirp as is a form of communication sometimes whenever they're happy or content

* They growl when someone they don't like or don't trust gets to close to them or someone they care for.

* They like to collect things meaningful to them and are attracted to shiny and colorful things like gems, diamonds, necklaces/bracelets etc

* They can climb on walls and hang from ceilings, sometimes by using their tail.

* They can sense everyone else's emotions, as long as they are connected in some way or a fellow ghoul or ghoulette

* They can smell feelings, blood types, sicknesses, etc, they can even tell you when you're period is coming up, or even if your pregnant!

* They can also feel if something is wrong or if you're upset in anyway

* They can tell if your sick, unhappy, scared, lying, or even if you're pulse picks up, even from miles away they can still sense everything especially if they care about you

* They are incredibly clingy and act like cats (literally)

* They will literally pick up and collect shiny things and gift you anything that they like

* They love to play with those  little lasers and will follow it like cats

* Sometimes when they're sleepy they make biscuits like cats do.

* Their demon body is basically the same they just  have darker skin, a tail, fangs, and eyes that glow based on their element when they want their eyes to glow.

* They usually only wear their mask when on tour but mostly keep them off around each other and while they are inside the common room or their own rooms

* They are very caring, careful, loving, loyal, and gentle creatures, and they are magnificent lovers, (in many ways 😏)

* Sunshine is allergic to cats yet she loves them so much everytimes she sees one she can't help but to go pet it

* Sunshine makes jewelry and gifts pieces she made to all of the other ghouls frequently

* Aether would make you feel like the most important person in the whole world just to make you feel better. He would tell you how much he loves you, how perfect he thinks your body is.

* He likes carrying you bridal style, piggy pack, koala style, you name it. He often insists you to sit in his lap at any given opportunity, and likes being able to hold you close like that.

* If you are interested in learning to play the guitar, Aether will be all to happy and willing to teach you. Expect a lot of lessons in his lap with his arms and tail wrapped around you as he guides your hands along the guitar with his own hands. (Also expect a lot of praise and encouragement during these lessons.)

* Rain's saliva can hydrate someone and heal burn wounds

* Whenever Rain goes underwater he opens his gills and sometimes sleeps underwater.

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