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"So when are you going to tell me the truth?" Johnnie questioned Jake the next day. They were sitting at a diner a few blocks away from their college and Jake was shoveling a burger and fries into his mouth.

Jake frowned at him. "What do you mean?" He asked with his mouth full.

Johnnie stirred his milkshake. "When are you going to tell me why you're actually helping me? Because I know it's not just because you want to do a good deed."

Jake swallowed his food and wiped his mouth. "How bad of a person do you think I am?"

"Well, I don't really know anything about you, so I have no idea what your true intentions are."

Jake sighed and picked up another fry. "Fine...look behind you,"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it...discreetly though."

Johnnie turned around and Jake kicked him in the shin. "Ow, what the fuck!" Johnnie hissed.

"Didn't I say discreetly?"

"Okay, geez sorry. What am I even supposed to be looking at anyways?"

Jake leaned back in his seat. "Two booths away, there's a girl in a black coat, her hair is tied up...and she has crazy eyes."

Johnnie peeked over his shoulder and saw the booth. There was a girl sitting by the window with a menu in her hand. But she wasn't looking at the menu at all, her feral eyes were directly on Jake and Johnnie. She looked like a zombie who hadn't slept properly in over a century. Johnnie locked eyes with her and his blood went cold. She noticed he was staring and broke eye contact quickly.

Johnnie turned back to face Jake slowly. "Who is that?"

"That's my demon."

"What do you mean?"

Jake picked at the lettuce from his burger. "I used to be a musician...I had a decent career. Then she ruined my life."

Johnnie frowned and suddenly remembered the news article he saw about the fan who accused him of assault.

"It doesn't matter what I do," Jake continued, "I can't go back to how it was. My career is over and I'm just a stranger to everyone now. But will always be a part of me. So, I want to say a final goodbye to my career the only way I know how—by performing."

Johnnie stared at him. He wanted to ask him why he was just going to give up so easily but he realized it would be hypocritical of him. He'd basically given up the same way after Ian died and even after agreeing to do Battle of the Bands without him, he still felt doubtful about everything. But Jake constantly erased that doubt and made him feel like it was possible. Johnnie wanted to be optimistic towards Jake the same way—but he didn't know how.

"Can I ask," Johnnie spoke up, "how exactly did she ruin your life?"

"I think that's a story for another time."

"I...I saw that she accused you of assault...but why—"

"Hey," Jake's voice was firm, "another time, alright?"

Johnnie bit his lip. Why was he prying? Maybe it was because he couldn't wrap his head around how one girl could ruin such a hopeful career.

"It's my turn to ask you questions now," Jake leaned forward, giving him an intense look, "who is Ian?"

Who was Ian? Johnnie's mind wandered. His best friend, someone he could talk to about anything, someone who understood him and could see right through him, someone who never doubted him no matter what. Someone who loved him.

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