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A/N: This is the final chapter, thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments, I love and appreciate you all <3


Johnnie's mom returned to his room after the nurse changed his gauze and bandages. He quickly wiped his tears when he saw her, not wanting her to know that he was crying. She looked at him with concern as she closed the door and sat down in the chair beside his bed. She put a hand on his forehead.

"Are you feeling okay? Why are you crying?" She asked seriously, "I saw Jake leave, did you two finish talking—"

"He broke up with me," Johnnie whispered, trying not to break down again.

"Oh no...I'm so sorry Johnnie," his mom said softly, "how could he do that to you when you're not feeling well?"

"It's not his fault," Johnnie wanted to blame him for his pain so badly but he couldn't, "he's just scared and he doesn't know what to do. He thinks he's protecting me by distancing himself but he's wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"The girl who stabbed me, her name is Mackenzie. She used to be his best friend but she became his stalker after they fell out," Johnnie sniffed, "and today, she tried to kill him at school—but I stopped her."

Johnnie's mom put her hand gently on his.

"He's helped me so much ever since Ian died and made me want to start doing music I relied on him a lot...maybe too much. That's why I didn't hesitate to try and save his life because I didn't want to see someone I cared about die in front of me again. But he blames himself for my reckless actions."

"I understand," his mom nodded, "you must love him a lot to do something like that. And I had no idea. You were right...I don't know what's going on in your life. I just thought you would be happier if you left the place that was causing you so much pain. But I should've tried harder to help you and spend more time with you...I'm sorry, Johnnie."

"No, I'm sorry," Johnnie insisted, "I...I shouldn't have said those words to you earlier. You've already done so much to help me and you work so hard too."

"You've done a lot too Johnnie. I know Ian dying was hard and it caused a setback in your life, but you pushed forward no matter what. Jake may have helped you, but it was your heart and your drive that made you keep chasing your dreams," she said, "I know a break up is hard, especially since he was your bandmate as well, but you shouldn't let this stop you from doing what you love. You have the talent and you have the potential, you just need the confidence. You need to believe in yourself."

"You're right...thank you, mom," Johnnie croaked, "I love you."

"I love you too, Johnnie."

She pulled him into a gentle hug and they sat like that for a long time. Johnnie was far from being healed and the hole in his heart was still wide open. But having his mom there to support him, numbed the pain a little.

A few hours later, Rose came to visit him when his mom slipped out to get them some food. She hugged him tightly and Johnnie winced when she flicked him in the forehead. He rubbed it and shot her a glare.

"Ow? Haven't I suffered enough today?" He mumbled.

"That's what you get for scaring the shit out of me back there," Rose cried, "you almost died!"

"Yeah, I'm aware of that, thanks."

Rose sighed exasperatedly. "Tell me everything that led up to this moment right now."

Johnnie explained the situation the best that he could, trying not to leave out any details. Rose hung onto every word and when he finished, she was on the verge of tears.

Beautiful Chaos (jake x johnnie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin