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tw // stabbing


Johnnie opened his eyes on the morning of the third round tangled in Jake's arms. They'd been in a honeymoon phase for several days, not being able to keep their hands off of each other and feeling as if they were in a dream. Every once in a while, Johnnie would think it was all too good to be true. But he would always push away his doubts when he saw the infatuated way Jake looked at him. They were both happy and he wouldn't change anything about their relationship.

Johnnie sat up slowly and looked down at Jake who was still fast asleep. They'd stayed up late the night before putting the final touches on their performance. They were going to perform a song titled "Eclipse" which was one of Jake's unreleased songs. It was about two people who were complete opposites that met and ended up becoming soulmates. Johnnie saw how much emotion Jake had when he sang it and he wondered if it was about someone he knew in the past.

Johnnie gently brushed Jake's hair out of his eyes and Jake woke up, yawning loudly.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" Jake asked groggily as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's 9 am, we should get ready."

Jake pulled Johnnie down on top of him again. "Five more minutes," he muttered.

"No, if you fall asleep again, I'm never going to be able to wake you up."

"Fine," Jake sighed. They both sat up and Jake took Johnnie's hand in his. "We're almost at the final round...are you ready?"

Johnnie clutched his hand, thinking about how much it took for them to reach that moment. "Yeah...we've worked so hard. No matter what happens, I'm glad we made it this far."

Jake kissed his cheek lightly. "We're going to win, I promise."

"I believe you."

They both got ready and headed down to the theater. As Johnnie walked through the campus with Jake, he remembered when he first got there and all of the worry, doubt, and darkness that followed behind him. He remembered rejecting Rose and her poster, thinking he would never be able to step foot on stage again. Johnnie still didn't know what lied ahead for them. He hadn't told Jake about Ben and Graham's threats, but he didn't care anymore. He was finally strong enough to face any troubles that came his way.

When they arrived at the theater, Rose greeted them and then kicked Jake in the shin.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Jake hissed.

"That's what you get for leading on my friend even though you were clearly in love with Johnnie," She crossed her arms in a huff.

"Okay, fine, I deserved that," Jake mumbled, "but Aria and I are not on bad terms, okay?"

"You better not be," Rose looked between him and Johnnie and squealed suddenly, "but oh my got you two are so cute! I can't believe you're boyfriends!"

"Announce it to the whole world, why don't you," Johnnie chuckled. 

"Sorry," Rose said bashfully.

"It's okay," Johnnie gave Jake a quick kiss, "I'm not embarrassed for everyone to know."

"God, that is seriously so adorable," Rose cooed and then started pushing them towards the theater, "okay, hurry, hurry, you don't want to be late! I'll be rooting for you guys from out here! I hope you make it to the next round!"

"Thank you!" Johnnie called to her as they made their way inside. Once Johnnie walked through the doors and saw the bands that made it to that round—everything hit him all at once. It was truly all or nothing. Ian may have passed on, but Johnnie still had to do that one final thing for him no matter what.

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