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Days passed after their moment in the parking lot. Johnnie thought he would never be able to finish Tranceylvania, but the lyrics and composition came to him easier because Jake was by his side to help him. Jake was a talented songwriter as well, and Johnnie thought his music was amazing. It angered him that Mackenzie destroyed his stardom. Especially since it was from someone that he once looked at as a best friend. He deserved better and Johnnie wanted to make it happen.

By the time they knew it, the auditions for the competition were only a couple days away. Jake stood over Johnnie's shoulder as he finished the last section of the song. Johnnie put down his pen once he was done.

"Are you finished?" Jake asked.

Johnnie nodded and stretched. "Yep."

"Fuck yeah!" Jake grabbed Johnnie and started spinning him around, "see I told you you could do it!"

"Yaaay," Johnnie smiled when he put him down.

"Come on, at least show a little excitement."

"Sorry, I'm tired."

"Ah, ah, no sleeping, we're going out to celebrate!"

Johnnie yawned. "Can't we celebrate tomorrow?"

"No, tomorrow is for practicing, today is for partying, come on, put on something decent." Jake crossed over to his side of the room and started removing his clothes. He'd done it a few times already in front of Johnnie without a care in the world. Meanwhile Johnnie always had to change in the washroom because he was conscious about being naked around him. But sometimes when Jake removed his shirt, Johnnie liked to see if he could spot a new tattoo. It usually wasn't possible because Jake would catch him staring. They would hold each other's gazes for a split second before Johnnie peeled his eyes away.

Johnnie rummaged through his clothes to find a shirt and a pair of black jeans. He stepped towards the washroom but Jake's voice stopped him.

"How come you never let me see your tattoos?" The question constricted him.

Johnnie looked back at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're always staring at come I can't see yours?" Jake's dark eyes flicked down towards his chest and torso before returning to his face.

Johnnie swallowed. "Haven't you already seen me naked? You saw them then,"

"Did I? I honestly can't remember, I think I need to refresh my memory."

"Refresh your memory how exactly?"

Jake licked his lips. "By showing me obviously."

Johnnie's heart pounded in his chest. "Showing you...? Um, I can't...maybe another time or—"

Jake burst out laughing then and he pulled on the rest of his outfit. "I'm just joking Johnnie, chill."

Johnnie glared at him. "That's...that's not a funny joke."

"I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to do," Jake walked towards him and patted his head gently, "I just like to tease you."

"I guess," Johnnie muttered.

"I'm gonna call a cab, come when you're done getting ready okay?" Jake said. Johnnie watched him leave the room and then let out a long breath that he didn't realize he was holding. His body was numb again, but for once it wasn't because of his nerves.


About an hour later they were sitting in a club with loud music, flashing strobe lights, and dancing, sweaty bodies. He and Jake sat at the bar, and Johnnie was trying to ignore how much the bass was pounding against his skull.

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