Chapter 1

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"Alhaitham it's your turn to do the dishes" Kaveh had told him. "Yea yea once I'm done this chapter then I will" Alhaitham had told Kaveh. Once Kaveh had heard those words come out of Alhaitham's mouth he muttered to himself scolding Alhaitham under his breath, after all it wasn't the first Kaveh had heard those words. After scolding Alhaitham under his breath he turned towards his workbench and flung himself back into his desk with piles and mounds of possible designs and paper work. "What a mess..." Alhaitham whispered so Kaveh couldn't hear him and tell him off again. Before he knew it he was once done reading the chapter so he then went to do the dishes after all Alhaitham is a man of his word. "Maybe having a roommate lie him isn't so bad after all..." Kaveh thought to himself while working and scribbling whatever ideas had popped up in his head. After a while a "Finished" had been heard from the both of them in sync, Kaveh then went to wash up and went to sit on the edge of Alhaitham's bed once he was done eagerly waiting for Alhaitham. Alhaitham soon quickly had joined him on the edge of the bed waiting for Kaveh to speak. "You won't believe what this client told me Alhaitham." Kaveh starts, "They said they wanted to change the design" continued Kaveh then he let out a frustrated sigh "Can you believe it? And right in the middle of construction too!" Complained Kaveh. A simple "Mhm" was all Alhaitham could say since he was barely in the architect industry. "At least you understand, what foolish idiotic people, thanks.." Kaveh thanked him once he was done ranting. "Again?" asked Alhaitham, "Oh cut it out with the thrice thing." Complained Kaveh. "Alright alright I wont tease you anymore." yielded Alhaitham. "That was teasing? I'm surprised you think it is teasing" says Kaveh, "Let's just go to sleep" continued Kaveh, he then buried himself with the sheets. "In my bed again?" Asked Alhaitham, "It's a comfortable bed okay? Now quiet" Kaveh told Alhaitham. Alhaitham then had went under the sheets too joining Kaveh in his slumbering peace. "At least he wont nag or complain when he's asleep" thought Alhaitham, though soon his heavy eyelids had shut and the next thing he knew was that it was eight in the morning and he had woken up with a sore body probably from Kaveh kicking around in his sleep.

"Haitham, I made some pancakes come down!" Yelled Kaveh though Alhaitham ignored him and went back to sleep. "I swear, Alhaitham stop doing this..." Kaveh sighed then shook him awake. " Fine, I'll go eat." Alhaitham yawned. Kaveh then left the room and came back with a hairbrush in hand and combed out Alhaitham's hair while he ate, "Gosh, your bed head is a like a nest.." Kaveh complained. "I know you've kept on saying this so much these past few days" commented Alhaitham, "Right.." Kaveh said. "Well anyway it looks like the both of us dont have work" Kaveh continued "After all, you slept in" Stated Kaveh. "I think we should clean the house today it's been a while since we did after all..." Alhaitham says. "You're absolutely correct, the house is in such a state of mess recently and my dust allergy has been acting up from the collecting dust around the house." added Kaveh. "Since you're done eating breakfast now let's clean, I'll wipe things down and you mop" continued Kaveh. Its been a while since Kaveh was this determined, the last time he was this determined was when he wanted to win a stuffed animal from a claw machine. Though in the end Alhaitham had ended up being the one to win it and gave it to Kaveh.

Alhaitham then grabbed the mop and bucket from the storage closet and started mopping the floors, Kaveh was already in his own world once Alhaitham started mopping. It was strange he'd do such a thing for Kaveh as other people thought of him as cold and uncaring, though it seemed that Kaveh was an exception... most of the time. Alhaitham then caught himself staring at Kaveh that was lost inn his world while cleaning, he was scrubbing that spot for 5 whole minutes now and Alhaitham chuckled at the sight. Once Kaveh heard Alhaitham chuckle he snapped out of his trance. "Hey, what's so funny?" Asked Kaveh in a passive aggressive tone, "Doesn't that spot look spotless enough to you?" Alhaitham pointed out then Kaveh mumbled something then blushed and went back to scrubbing. "This idiot" they both thought, by now Alhaitham was done mopping the floors "So.. are we done yet?" asked Alhaitham. "I suppose" replied Kaveh with a sigh. Once Kaveh was done talking Alhaitham had put away the cleaning supplies while Kaveh had settled down on the couch. Soon Alhaitham had joined Kaveh, though they both stayed silent enjoying each other's company silently. "Huh.. Kaveh's staring should I say something?" Thought Alhaitham but Kaveh was just basking in Alhaitham's presence. Alhaitham then decided to not question it and started to read another book he found in his pile and surprisingly it was about romantic relationships, "It probably was left in Alhaitham's book pile by Yoimiya" Kaveh thought. "A lot of girls from the AKydeymiya must like him..." Murmured Kaveh quietly, Alhaitham surprisingly didn't hear Kaveh's murmuring and had grown tired of such a book, he didn't even know why he had continued to read it after the first mushy words from such a book, so he stood up and put the book away. "Kaveh" Alhaitham called, "Yes? What is it?" Kaveh answered, "I'm awfully bored, do you have anything you can suggest we do?" asked Alhaitham. "Well that's new coming from you.. well then should we watch a movie?" Asked Kaveh. "Sure why not." Alhaitham said he then proceeded to put on scream 3 and looked over at Kaveh which was next to him in that familiar baby pink blanket. Unknowingly when a horrifying par of the movie came up Kaveh grabbed onto Alhaitham's hand and squeezed it as he was quite invested in it. Though when Alhaitham noticed Kaveh shaking a bit he paused the movie. "Kaveh, are you okay? Are you scared?" Asked Alhaitham. "Just a bit... It's okay we can keep watching if you want" Answered Kaveh. "No it isn't okay, we can stop and eat then sleep if you want to" Alhaitham said in a new tone that was sweet and loving towards Kaveh. "Okay" says Kaveh. 

When it occurred to Kaveh he didn't know why he was showing signs of weakness towards Alhaitham and why Alhaitham just had reacted like his.. mother, maybe it was because Alhaitham reminded him of his mother.. that's probably why.

Alhaitham then proceeded to turn off the T.V then had ordered take out from Lambad's. "It'll be here in 10 minutes" Alhaitham informed Kaveh though Kaveh responds with a small nod then looked down at his feet. 10 minutes of silence had passed and the food arrived with Alhaitham bringing the food in he called for Kaveh " Kaveh c'mere" Alhaitham says. "Coming" Kaveh had mumbled then strode towards the dining room and sat down in his usual seat with a bowl of soup in front of him, his favourite food. "He remembered." Kaveh thought then ate his fill of soup. Once they were both done Alhaitham threw out the used Tupperware, then leaded Kaveh to his bedroom and letting Kaveh sit in his lap on the bed while hugging him from behind. "The movie was so scary.. why'd you choose it?" Kaveh mumbled. "Sorry, I should've told you first" Alhaitham said then buried his face into Kaveh's messy blonde hair. "It's okay now I guess" Kaveh felt his cheeks get warmer. "You sure?" Asked Alhaitham. "Yea.. Can we stay like this a little longer?" Asked Kaveh. "Of course." Assured Alhaitham. "Thanks.." Kaveh replied. 

They both ended up falling asleep like this.

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