Chapter 8

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While Alhaitham had waited for his meal Kaveh prepared the ingredients to make noodles for Alhaitham. Kaveh took out two eggs, noodles, thawed beef and some bamboo shoot, humming a little tune when he had washed the shoots then neatly chopped them into think slices and had also thinly sliced the beef too. Putting the meat to simmer in the pot Kaveh then added some salt and right after the chewy noodles. While waiting for the noodles and beef to boil Kaveh had fried the eggs and bamboo shoots. "What're you making?" Alhaitham asked curiously. "Noodles" Kaveh responded as he was still frying the eggs. While waiting for the beef and noodles to finish Alhaitham went on his phone.

"Sorry, I got into a car crash. This'll be my two weeks notice.. possibly two months" Alhaitham texted to the harbinger group chat. "Noted" Capatino replied, "I trust that we do not need to check up with you?" Pantalone had also texted. "No need" Alhaitham texted back then got off his phone to stare at Kaveh and see of the noodles are done. Kaveh was already arranging the placement of the dish when Alhaitham had perked his head up. "Noodles are done" Kaveh chimed in. "Coming" Alhaitham responded. ALhaitham got up then had went to the dining room, he then tried to pic up the fork. "Aw, fuck." Alhaitham mumbled. "What's wrong?" Kaveh asked. "what if he doesn't like my cooking?... I mean I hadn't cooked in a while so..." Kaveh thought. "I got stiches right across my elbow and I can eat with my other arm since there's once on my shoulder." Alhaitham explained. "What should we do then.. maybe... I could feed you, actually no its stupid forget it and you'd mind it." Kaveh thought out loud, "I don't mind" Alhaitham corrected Kaveh. "Are you sure, I mean wouldn't it be awkward for you?" Kaveh asked, "Trust me I don't mind at all Kaveh" Alhaitham says. "Alright then.. say 'ahh'" Kaveh says with a fork with noodles entwined with it in front of Alhaitham's mouth. "Why're you treating me like a toddler now?" Alhaiham asked. "Just eat the damn food if I'm doing this" Kaveh urged, "Fine you win..Ahhh" Alhaitham then ate the noodles from the fork. He chewed for a bit more before realising that the noodles were too salty though he still ate bite after bite of the dish.

"Was it good?" Kaveh asked once he was done feeding Alhaitham the dish he made, "It was a bit too salty" he lied the dish tasted as if it was a dish purely of salt and was seasoned with noodles. "Mhm, alright then." "...So, where should I sleep tonight?" Alhaitham asked, "I guess you can sleep with me.. I wouldn't want you to accidently break your stitches or open any wounds" Kaveh says even knowing the fact that Alhaitham is like a corpse when he sleeps. perhaps e didn't want to fell alone again. "Alright seems reasonable enough to me" Alhaitham responds to his once again roommate. Once they were done their other matters that were needed to attend they went to bed. They're silence stuck out yet they didn't know how to start off a conversation after all all their recent events were bad and if they weren't they weren't worth mentioning. Kaveh sighed at how uneventful it was. "That cat was surely peculiar.. what was it's name again p something.. pih, pl.. pickle? Yeah I'm pretty sure that was it.. kind of reminded me of Alhaitham." Kaveh thought. "You should check out the flower shop near the hospital there was a adorable cat." Kaveh said "Yea? Maybe I should go there when it's February" Alhaitham subtly hinted a clue for Kaveh to pick up and decipher. "Mn, Alright" Kaveh says "Why on February though?" he then thought. Then suddenly the world fell quiet, not even a peep, he was asleep now.. in another dream. Kaveh hoped it wasn't another nightmare but all it was were some flashing images, too fast to tell most of the imagery. "Don't you want to know what those images look like?" An unfamiliar voice said "No, what, who are you?" Kaveh asked. "An answer I can not give you I'm afraid" It said in a sultry yet smooth tone, "You're.. in my head? What the.. this is such a weird dream." Kaveh wondered. "Haha weird indeed, but kind of a dream" It talked again. "What was your question again.." Kaveh  asked. "Don't you want to know what these images are?" It told him, Kaveh was silent for a bit. "Sure I guess, since it wont hurt to see" Kaveh chose. There were only three images and they contained three people: Nilou, Alhaitham, and the flower girl. "They're headshots of the people associated with Alhaitham's crash..?" Kaveh said. "Good eye there" It says to Kaveh. "Butt why them?" Kaveh asked, "That's for you to figure out" It replied. "Bye for now.." It continued. Kaveh heard a clash, turns out he had fallen onto the floor once he had woken up. "At least Alhaitham is okay.." Kaveh stared at the body that laid on the bed. "Alhaitham looks so.. pretty, no.. more like handsome, actually he looks both.. what time is it.." Kaveh wondered. Looking at the clock it showed that it was actually a bit later than he had expected.. ten am. Kaveh then looked over at Alhaitham's still body once again, luckily his bandages were not misplaced in anyway after all of Kaveh's moving at night so Kaveh relaxed a bit. Once having his thoughts collected he went down to make bland soup for them both as a substitute for breakfast. It was almost basically just water only the fact it was forty parts water and five parts potato and tomato. When Kaveh finished Alhaitham came downstairs as if on cue for a play. "WHatre we having for breakfast?" ALhaitham asked. "Soup" Kaveh responded then passed a bowl "Soup? This looks like watered down vegetable juice" Alhaitham says without missing a beat. "Eat it or starve your choice" Kaveh had shot him down from that high and mighty tower of his despite being injured. This ego was just simply too high for Kaveh to handle.

"Fine, but ow am I suppose to eat it myself, senior?" Alhaitham asked smugly. "You-!" Kaveh had forgotten about how his junior's joints were wrapped up and non-functional. "Had my senior really forgotten about my injuries?" Alhaitham said in a cooing tone, "What? Want me to feed you again?" Kaveh says in a harsh like tone but only fell into Alhaitham's trap. "I never said that but if my senior did then I wouldn't mind" Alhaitham said again in that annoying tone, "Stop with that 'senior' bullshit" Kaveh snapped then shoved a spoonful of soup into Alhaitham's mouth. Alhaitham gulped down that serving and spoke once more, "Why should I stop, senior?
 Alhaitham was really pushing Kaveh's buttons now, soon he might explode perhaps. "Argh, you-" Kaveh shoved another spoonful of soup into his mouth as Kaveh couldn't think of another reason why other than that it annoying to him. At this point they just went on like this back and forth until Kavveh had no more soup to shove into Alhaitham's mouth to try shut him up, but to his avail it didn't work at all. "Looks like I'm finished breakfast and you got no way of shutting me up now, senior." Alhaitham flashed Kaveh a grin that look off on Alhaitham's face for Kaveh, most likely because Kaveh rarely seen a man like Alhaitham smile before. "Wipe that smile off your face and shut up" Kaveh said, he then had covered Alhaitham's mouth with his palm. The warmth of Alhaitham's lips to Kaveh's palm was... something new, they were smooth and dewy. After a moment Kaveh caught himself imagining those tender lips on his and tried to take his hand off once he realised only for Alhaitham to hold his hand in place on his lips. "Wha- I thought you couldn't move your hands!" Kaveh says. "Mn, looks like my cover is blown huh?" Alhaitham says in a low tone. "You smell.. so nice, it's almost hypnotizing Kaveh. You understand what I mean right?.. Sorry I let myself go a 'little'" Alhaitham muttered still in that husky low voice, he then released Kaveh's hand letting Kaveh to pull away. "It's okay.. actually fuck just let me do this.." Kaveh pulled Alhaitham in then leaned his face to plant his lips on Alhaitham's dewy ones. It only lasted a second till Kaveh pulled away too shy to look Alhaitham in the eye. Why did he kiss Alhaitham again? Impulse was the answer, the moment felt too perfect for Kaveh to loose this chance.

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