Chapter 3

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In the morning Kaveh awoke in those familiar smelling sheets again but found no Alhaitham in the room. Instead on his work bench he found a note that said: working, will be back at 12 pm with lunch. Next to that message accompanied what seemed to be Alhaitham's attempt of drawing a chibi version of himself doing a thumbs up. Once Kaveh had saw this little doodle he giggles to himself like a little girl. After setting down the note Kaveh then busies himself by working on another one of his projects a client requested. What seemed to be like a few minutes had passed and Alhaitham enters the house then places the take out on a table. Kaveh checks the time and figured out it was 12:15, he once again didn't realise how much time passed when he was working. "Kaveh come over here I bought lunch." Alhaitham says. "Yea Yea, I'm coming dont worry yourself" Kaveh replies then proceeds to shove his work to one side of the bench to find the little not. Once he found the note Kaveh took it with him to the dining room, "I got you favourite" Alhaitham informed Kaveh. "You got soup?" Kaveh asked, "Yes now eat" Alhaitham answered. The soup was a tomato soup with an interesting amalgamation  of ingredients with it together, it was just how Kaveh liked it. Once Kaveh was finished his soup he started his sentence with "Hey Alhaitham.." to that sudden sentence Alhaitham's head had perked up, giving Kaveh his full attention. "You know that little note you wrote?" Kaveh continued, "Yes.. what about it?" Alhaitham asked with his interest rising. "It was pretty cute, especially that little drawing." Kaveh teased. Though in Alhaitham's mind the word "cute" echoed dozens of times leaving Alhaitham stunned and speechless while a light blush crept up on his face. Kaveh then giggles to himself at the unique reaction Alhaitham had displayed for Kaveh as it were a one in a trillion chance. "Please Kaveh, forget about that note and my.. reaction." Alhaitham mumbles while looking down at his feet and covering his face. "Nope, I'll remember this moment forever!" Kaveh teased, "C'mon please? Alhiatham begged then whined, for Kaveh this was amusing and interesting as he was seeing more sides of Alhaitham. Then a little thought hit Kaveh like a truck, he thought "what if I asked Alhaitham for a kiss for compensation?" but Kaveh then waves it off thinking it were a bad idea as it could negatively affect the relationship they have. "Fine, but you're-  I mean its still pretty cute!" Kaveh says. "Me?.." Alhaitham asked but Kaveh had already sprinted off to his room leaving Alhaitham.

Kaveh in his room had shut the door with his back on it thinking over the situation that had just happened a couple seconds ago as if it were a dream since it happened extremely quick. Stuck thinking over the situation Kaveh slumped down onto the coca coloured wooden floors of his room. Then thinking "Gosh what did I do?? What does Alhaitham think of me now? Does he even know now?" Kaveh's thoughts were all clumped together like a ball while new questions kept getting hurled at him. Once Kaveh snapped out of his thoughts he heard some knocking coming from the door he was propped against. He then heard that same voice from earlier, it was Alhaitham asking: "Kaveh are you in there? Please answer I've been knocking for two minutes now." "He's been knocking for two whole minutes? I guess I zoned out while thinking." Kaveh concluded then answered back to Alhaitham, "Yea, sorry for not answering I was zoned out," Kaveh then opened the door and gave Alhaitham a awkward smile still replaying the situation in his mind over and over. Alhaitham then spoke up "Is there anything you want to do this afternoon?" Thankfully Alhaitham changed the topic, clearing the awkward environment just enough so that Kaveh's mind wasn't on it. "I'm not sure yet, do you have anything to suggest?" Kaveh had asked Alhaitham, glad that he changed the topic. Alhaitham then thought for a bit then lit up with multiple ideas. "While I was going home from work today I saw a cat cafe so maybe we could check that out or we could go to a carnival but if you prefer to stay home we can bake something." Alhaitham had suggested 3 ideas that had variety and was all very interesting. Kaveh then took some time to think about the activities they both could do together today and then spoke up. "Let's stay home and bake , that sounds pretty fun. Oh and we can decorate then gift them to our friends" "Sounds like a good idea" Alhaitham commented. The two haven't really cooked or baked in a while as they kept on buying take out or cooking separately, the last time the two cooked together was a year ago for thanksgiving since it was their turn to host the gathering. Kaveh then quickly took out the baking supplies that looked brand new because of how clean they were, while Alhaitham took out the ingredients to make cake, Kaveh then looked back ad saw the cake mix , saddened at the fact it wasn't cookies they're making. Kaveh then pouts and asked Alhaitham: "No cookies today?" Alhaitham then looked back to lock eyes with Kaveh's eye noticing Kaveh's small pout on his face then proceeded to answer Kaveh saying: "No cookies, we had some last time and your tricks won't work on me, maybe you can try them on Mehrak." "Tricks? You hurt me with your words Alhaitham and you know Mehrak cant bake." Kaveh says dramatically. "Yea, yea, whatever. Stir the dry ingredients now." Alhaitham said. Kaveh then took the bowl out of Alhaitham's hands while his fingers grazed Alhaitham's, the sudden touch made Kaveh grab the bowl quicker and accidentally knocked some of the contents out. "Gods I'm so clumsy.." Kaveh said quietly "Maybe I should just not do it, I'm not good enough argh" Kaveh continues. Alhaitham hearing this made him slightly worried as Kaveh was talking bad bad about himself. "Hey Kaveh, it's okay we got more and we can keep trying until you know you're good and good enough." Alhaitham said reassuringly and calming Kaveh down while saying so in a more softer voice than his usual one. "But what i-" "No buts or what ifs" Alhaitham says while cutting off Kaveh.  "You're pretty great, even really great of a friend, roommate, citizen, and architect, Kaveh, so please stop doubting yourself and start realising of how great of a person you are in my eyes, in everyone's eyes." Alhaitham reassured Kaveh once again. "Oh... that word popped up again, pretty, why does the meaning have to be so pretty and the spelling too. Why do I want to hear that word come out from Alhaitham's mouth to describe me and only his? This feeling.. it feels weird and surreal it's nothing I've experienced before. Maybe it's just a pretty feeling for a pretty situation like.. what I'm in right now." Kaveh thought while slumped down on the floor behind the spilled contents staring into Alhaitham's eyes as if fallen prey to his words that fell out of his mouth like a soft drizzle of rain. "What? Did the truth shock you that much that you had to plop onto the floor?" Alhaitham teased still in that soft and gentle tone. "I.. guess you could call it the truth." Kaveh says while getting up with the help of Alhaitham as a support. "I cant believe you said something so cheesy for me" Kaveh says softly while his voice sounding tired and his eyes avoiding Alhaitham's gaze but either way Alhaitham could see that Kaveh's ears were bright red. "Do you.. not want me to say things like this anymore?" Alhaitham asked Kaveh, "No.. it's just that I'm not used to this yet." Kaveh says reassuring Alhaitham of the small misunderstanding he had.

Lost through the mist (Kavehtham/haikaveh)Where stories live. Discover now