Chapter 4

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Alhaitham then thought things over carefully of what would be the best for the two of them to do now. "I'm pretty sure you're tired now Kaveh so you can rest while I clean the mess up" Alhaitham says while helping Kaveh up. "But I made the mess, this would be unfair for you to clean up my mess." Protested Kaveh. "Please Kaveh I insist..." Alhaitham told Kaveh, Kaveh then gave up more easily than Alhaitham thought and he responded with a simple "Fine." "Alright then you can go to my room to rest." Alhaitham then suggested, Kaveh replied with a small thanks to Alhaitham then walked towards Alhaitham's room leaving Alhaitham to clean his own mess. Once Kaveh entered the room with mountains of piled books he had spread his arms and legs out on those mismatched sheets being able to hear a soft brushing sound from the kitchen indicating that Alhaitham was already sweeping away the dry ingredients of the so called cake they were going to make thinking about this it made Kaveh sad again about how he ruined the cake that they were about to make. Then Kaveh thought again "Why am I getting so sad about a cake that hadn't even been baked yet. Gosh today's just been too much yet too little, wait how was today too little? Was I looking forward to baking with Alhaitham? It must be those damned feelings again. What are these feelings for anyway?" Kaveh scoffed though now looking up at the ceiling. Alhaitham then washed his hands after putting away the stuff in the freezer and cupboards wondering why Kaveh was putting himself down over such a minor inconvenience. After wiping his hands he walked towards his room then entering it, seeing Kaveh lost in thought sprawled out on his bed then scoffing to himself. Alhaitham then chuckled at the peculiar sight letting Kaveh know of his presence, startled Kaveh quickly got up and looked at Alhaitham asking "What's so funny?" "It's nothing" Alhaitham said in a slightly higher pitch than his usual voice. "Really?" Asked Kaveh with a glaring look towards Alhaitham, "Yes really!" Alhaitham reassured Kaveh. Kaveh then let out a sarcastic "Mhmm" and then proceeded to look back up at the ceiling, feeling the mattress lower in height Kaveh looked over and saw Alhaitham sitting on the free space of the bed then Alhaitham gave a small "Mhmm" back to him. The two sat in silence for a while, Kaveh was fiddling and playing with his fingers while Alhaitham was lost in thought.

Tw: blood and gore

"Hey Kaveh..." Alhaitham spoke, "What is it?" Kaveh asked. "What if we still went to one of those places I suggested tomorrow?" Alhaitham asked. "But what if I screw up somehow?" Kaveh wondered aloud, Alhaitham clasped Kaveh's hand and assured Kaveh that he wasn't a screw up. "Kaveh I swear you wont screw up anyway how are you even supposed to screw up at a cat cafe or a carnival?" Kaveh then was going to say something when Alhaitham covered his mouth and continued. "No, dont even start okay? You wont screw up at anything in any of those places and I know it, alright?" Kaveh just gave a small nod for Alhaitham, Let's sleep now?" suggested Alhaitham. "Yea" Kaveh agrees. Once Kaveh had fallen asleep he had a nightmare where he was accused of a wrong doing and was forced to run away with frequent screams in his ear "How could you!?" he heard while passing a cafe with what seemed to be cat corpses and painted with blood inside. He covered his ears but could still hear the voices, "What did you do!!" a shrilled voice called out when passing a carnival. It seemed like "tears" were falling out of Kaveh's "eyes." Another voice was heard it was so familiar yet distorted in a low tone, finally Kaveh stopped running realising he had ripped his "heart" out of his chest leaving a gory hole left to stare at. Though he finally heard he again, his mother, while looking up he saw a shadow with two small beady eyes staring at him that resembled his mother. A faint murmur was heard from "her", "Pardon.. what did you say?.." Kaveh asked his "voice" sounded so torn and broken. Another faint murmur was heard, "Wh-" Kaveh couldn't speak anymore as his throat was ripped out by his "mother" a bloody puddle forming at his knees. 


his "mother" finally yelled. Kaveh woke up in a cold sweat breathing hard and found no Alhaitham in sight.

Alhaitham Pov 

"Kaveh's deep asleep that's good." Alhaitham thought and got out of the bed then got ready to head out before turning to Kaveh and whispering "I'll be back my dear.." He then left the house.  Upon travelling for almost an hour he finally arrived at his destination: a fatui hide-out to meet with Il Dottre. "Oh Alhaitham or should I say The Vanquisher, you've arrived" Dottre said in the dimmed room. "Sorry for you keeping you waiting I had.. important matters to attend to." Alhaitham said with a stone cold look. "They're already assigning you work?" Dottre asks, "No, it was personal matters." Alhaitham corrected Dottre. "Oh alright then, I came to congratulate you on becoming the new 6th harbinger and also on the behalf of the other's they're quite busy now after all with preparations you'll be a part of soon" Dottre says. "Well thank you for acknowledging my achievement and coming here personally" Alhaitham thanked Dottre. "No need to thank me I'm free all day today anyway it was the least I could do." Dottre tells Alhaitham. "Ah yes, The regrater wanted me to give you your salary in person, here" Dottre continues and hands over a golden card. "Oh, tell him I express my gratitude towards him" Alhaitham says then takes the golden card gleaming in the dimmed room like a legendary artifact. "Huh... would you look at the time I have to go now" Alhaitham says. "I see, alright then farewell The vanquisher" Dottre replied. Alhaitham then went to take a bus home.

Kaveh Pov

TW: Mentions of blood

Once Kaveh had registered that Alhaitham wasn't in bed he went into a frenzy, scouring the house from top to bottom when Kaveh had lesser areas to search tears were brewing in his eyelids. He wondered if it was another nightmare and was considering to run to the streets to find him. Not good, tears were streaming down Kaveh's face and he was in a panicked state. While running around Kaveh had tripped over a table leg and crashed onto the floor causing a massive ruckus that possibly the neighbors had woken up. Not good at all, Kaveh could feel his cheek aching and still didn't find Alhaitham anywhere, Confused and panicked Kaveh just laid there realising how painful the fall really was then felt a slight stab on his hand. He now realised the shattered glass on the floor then looked at his hand, blood  was running down pretty quickly though he didn't bother and had put pressure on the would, smearing his hands in blood. Then the lights had suddenly turned on and at the door stood Alhaitham with a horrified look when he saw the scene of glass shattered all over the floor and Kaveh laying on the floor with his hands smeared with blood. Alhaitham dropped everything and ran towards Kaveh. "Kaveh are you okay?!" Alhaitham asked, "Oh.. that's who the distorted voice belonged to.." Kaveh thought then passed out from exhaustion. When Kaveh hadn't responded and gone limp Alhaitham came to the conclusion that he had lost conscious, Alhaitham then carried Kaveh towards his room and laid him on his bed. Once Alhaitham had done that he gently wiped the blood off Kaveh's hands then cleaned the scattered glass shards of broken glass on the floor and threw it away. Once he was done he laid next to Kaveh and fell asleep. A nightmare stricken Alhaitham, forced to stare at such a gory display of Kaveh, not able to scream and shout or call for help, he couldn't move either only able to watch Kaveh getting torn apart in many different ways, abused in many different ways. Alhaitham had woken up, breathing in and out quickly, horrified.


get ready for next chapter guys and you thought that was a lot

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