Chapter 9

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Both of their faces were a hot blushing mess, both couldn't comprehend what they were feeling about this. "Do.. we need to talk about what we are?" Kaveh asked and Alhaitham had nodded at Kaveh's question. "I.. erm don't know how I feel about this but I didn't didn't like it, i'm just not sure about anything and.. not ready for a relationship I guess." Alhaitham started, "Me too.. gosh this is so awkward, I'll wait for you but maybe I need to learn how to love myself first you know." Kaveh tell Alhaitham. "Maybe we should just just stay friends for now till were ready for a.. relationship." Alhaitham suggested. "Yea, lets do that" Kaveh agreed. "You should get some more sleep now your body's still healing you know" Kaveh continued, it was still awkward but not too awkward thankfully. "Mn, I'll go sleep then" Alhaitham said then strode down the hall to his bedroom. Nestled in his bed he couldn't try to sleep as his mind was still racing with thoughts, it's only been an hour and so much has already happened, how stupid. He wondered about how long it would be till he was "ready" for a relationship and such at once point he reminisced the kiss with Kaveh a while ago. Even though Alhaitham went to bed he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss him and Kaveh shared. How absurd it wasn't like he was in elementary school so why is he acting like a little kid over a minor kiss? He wanted to stop thinking about it after having the scene replay in his head over and over after so long yet his brain didn't let him, still thinking about it Alhaitham's mind wandered around a bit "When.. will he love himself? I think its taking good care of himself I guess does he even do that. What things does he even love himself about. I like Kaveh though I think. That's what I know and that I'll wait for him." Kaveh on the other hand was out to buy groceries. At the corner of his eye a peculiar figure had appeared with a neon bluish greenish hair color and with his eyes covered, "Oh, hello I'm.. Dan, please have a free sample" Dan insisted once he approached Kaveh. "Thank you Dan" Kaveh says with a smile while taking a triangular shaped pastry, it also felt and seemed peculiar as well. "You're welcome" Dan said, "Fucking idiot" Dan muttered under his breath while walking away. The pastry was drugged with a powder with unknown effects so far and was given by Dottore yet Kaveh didn't know and had consumed this pastry in one bite. It tasted like a normal buttery pastry and Kaveh continued grocery shopping after the encounter. After a bit it felt like a punch to the gut in Kaveh's stomach, "Must've been the cold soup" he thought while paying for groceries. While going home things were normal once again. Luckily today Kaveh grabbed his keys so he unlocked the door and went in, everything was quiet so Kaveh assumed that Alhaitham finally went to sleep after such a morning, Kaveh too felt a bit tired after putting away the groceries yet still went back to his designs he postpones a couple days ago. In the end he decided to climb into the bed with Alhaitham and got to sleep too.

The next morning Kaveh woke up to Alhaitham cooking for the both of them, a wafting smell coming through the air. Kaveh realised he was a bit fatigued even with a full night's rest which he found strange yet brushed it off since he was hungry. Once he came out of the room the smell became stronger yet he couldn't put a finger on what the food could be, rubbing his eyes he called to his roommate "Alhaitham." "Yea" Alhaitham responded, "What's for breakfast.." Kaveh yawned. "Check and see for yourself" Alhaitham told Kaveh. "Inazuman dishes? When did you learn how to make those?" Kaveh wondered. "I didn't." Alhaitham says, "I did" Yoimiya had popped out from behind a wall with a grin that had spread ear to ear. "When I heard Alhaitham got into a crash I came as quick as I could but I guess he's all better with you around, Kaveh!" Yoimiya exclaimed. "I'm glad you trust me with him" Kaveh chuckled. "Well now that you're awake eat, eat there's plenty. Please help yourself" Yoimiya urged the both of them. They all sat down and started tasting the new dishes. "Alhaitham had put some sweets on Kaveh plate most of them being colorful and bright, Kaveh decided to try a bright pink dessert first while Alhaitham tried a savory seaweed roll. The bright pink dessert was as if silky to the touch and sweet with warm red bean paste inside as a filling. The savoury seaweed roll was flaky and filling to the stomach, in it was smoked salmon. Both of them liked the dishes they chose and savoured the taste. "Want to try this?" Alhaitham had held out a piece of his roll towards Kaveh, "No need" Kaveh said. "Those two seem closer since the last time I was here" Yoimiya thought then spoke "Hey now there's more food please try more" "If Yoimiya wants us to then sure!" Kaveh replies with that same energy of Yoimiya's. Kaveh then shovels in more food into his mouth feeling stuffed right after a while. "I'm so full" Kaveh whined, "I told you to not eat so much didn't I?" Alhaitham says. "No.. I don't remember" Kaveh mumbles, Yoimiya sighs at that answer not thinking much of it. Though Alhaitham found it a bit intriguing as Kaveh's memory was always sharp. He didn't think much of it though like Yoimiya, instead he starts cleaning up the dishes. "Thanks Yoi for the breakfast" Kaveh beamed, "No problem! It was actually nice to visit again" Yoimiya says with a beam too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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