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Rene woke up the next day with a start. Sweat created a sheen over her entire body and her hair clung to her. Dreams from the night disappeared like a rising morning fog. One thing did not though. "It is almost time fledging."

"Dear God," she whispered softly "I really am crazy."

Everyone knew that hearing voices was the tipping point. Those who heard voices went to the shock rooms and were stuffed so full of pills they are never the same. The treatment left only empty husks in its wake, basically zombies without the whole eating brains thing. No one could know, not ever. "You say something?" Cassie's sang from the bathroom already starting on her makeup.

"No nothing." Rene managed to stamper out.

She took a deep breath trying to refocus. She could do this. She could for once in her life fake normal, at least normal enough to get by in the asylum. She forced herself to stand up. One foot and then the other, a slow processional was made toward the bathroom. She climbed into the shower and let the cold water stream down her washing away the night. She stepped out and got dressed into her newly laid out black uniform. Her hands shook slightly as she pulled the wet mass into a ponytail at the top of her head. She paused as her own reflection caught her eyes. Even in the dirty, cracked mirror she could clearly see herself, someone that Rene often had trouble believing was her. Her long blonde hair, normally straight when dry, was slightly straggly and curly as the ponytail fell down her back. Her slanted bangs hid a forehead, that was slightly too large in her opinion, and shadowed parts of her eyes. Her eyes, bright, emerald green rimmed by black, had large dark circles under them from many uneasy nights. Her 5 foot 9 frame was lanky and her skin was pale. But the real thing that shone through was the tired and haunted feeling that seemed to leak from her pores. All together she was nothing special. Not cute like Cassie with her small stature and fun pink hair. Not "hot" like Kristy with her bombshell figure, one thing she actually was jealous of Kristy for. Well here comes the old cat lady who dies alone, if she even gets to that age.

Rene stepped out of the bathroom to a loud buzzer going off. The doors were being unlocked and like it or not the day was starting. She glanced over at Cassie who was still putting the finishing touches on herself. "Ready?" she inquired quietly.

"I suppose it doesn't really matter. Gez, don't they realize that beauty like this takes time?" Cassie sighed and followed her out the door.

All around them the fellow inhabitants of the girls' wing filed out of the rooms. She couldn't help but look around at her. Some of them still had life and perhaps even hope in their eyes unfortunately, the large majority of them seemed hollow. Movements were automatic. Whoever these girls had once been was a distant memory. Rene suppressed a shudder as she tried to ignore the fact that could be her future. They came too quickly to a fork in the building. Cassie gave her a small smile and headed to the left, to breakfast. Rene went to the right for home room, which basically translated into let's make sure no one is dead. She let her body collapse into "her" seat. Always the same seat no matter the room. She found the chair farthest from the front and closest to the exit. Being surrounded always gave her a feeling of unease. "Well, what a coincidence Princess we have home room together!" Rene cringed as Michael shouted it across the room.

He strode purposefully ignoring the shocked stares from on lookers and took the seat next to her. He gave her that sly grin of his and Rene immediately sneered back. Michael just shrugged before leaning back in his chair and propping his feet up on the desk. Dear God how was she going to survive the rest of her time here knowing that each morning she was going to have to put up with this. Angered she turned on him. "What do you want?" venom was practically dripping from her voice.

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