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Rene hummed as she spun the pen in between her fingers. She was waiting impatiently in the halls by the classrooms. Her eyes darted continuously watching for guards. None presented themselves though, probably all off eating at this hour. So far so good. She was twitchy, far more so than she cared to admit. It shouldn't be that bad, yet all of her was on edge. Her plan was...well less than perfect. At least Lora had kept her promise. She had a message delivered to Rene's room early this morning stating that the chair was no longer a threat. A change that must have pissed many a person off because Rene had been getting glares from people ever since. Miss Rachel even cancelled their one on one. Rene smiled at that. Nice to know she got under her skin even if their exchange hadn't been as fruitful as Rene had hoped for. How Lora had gotten Rene out of frying when so many people were gunning for her was still a mystery. Once they got face to face again, Rene planned on intriguing the truth of exactly how that was possible out of her. Until then Rene needed to keep up her end of the bargain. She twirled the pen one last time before slapping it into her palm sharply. Time to go.

Strolling casually down the hall, she twirled her long ponytail up into a bun and stuck the pen through holding it in. Everything seemed normal as she passed by the rooms. The dirty windows allowed little peeping into them, not that Rene needed to look in to know exactly what she would see. All the classrooms were the same right down to the look on the students' faces. The students were eventually dragged into the pit of pain this place generated. No one escaped it. A fact that was going to change if Rene could help it. She needed to save them, Cassie and Danny. They were going to live whether they liked it or not. Which they definitely would be angry about once they found out what she was doing to make it happen, a strong veto for life if it puts Rene's at risk. Rene reached down and patted her pocket nervously to double check the pass was in there just in case. She had faked food poisoning to get it from her teacher. Unfortunately, that wasn't a far fetched idea with the slop served around here.

Her nerves felt raw and exposed. It had been so long since she had felt this present. Yeah probably not a good sign concerning her sanity. Well, suppose there is no time like the present even if it was to go crazy. Rene paused in front of a door near the end of the hall. Unlike the other rooms, this door had no window slit on it. She reached out carefully to jingle the handle. No surprise it was locked. Rene sighed impatiently. She had expected this but it still was incredibly annoying. was like someone didn't trust them or something. Rene continued walking, fine if she couldn't do things the easy way she'd do them the pain-in-the-butt way. She turned around a corner and approached the female's bathroom. Kicking the door open, she stepped in glancing around the room. The bathroom brought her back to the day she had rushed in here and fainted on the floor over the appearance of the moving ink. Rene approached the mirror and cocked her head. Poking at her hair with her finger, she managed to move it around enough to see bits and pieces of the vine. She glared at it. Stupid thing. Suddenly it twitch or wait, crap did she move. Rene blinked hard before letting her hand fall and jumping back. Maybe she didn't want to know either way. Rene turned back to the moment at hand and stared down the small vent in the top back corner of the room. This was going to suck.

Anyone who came in would have busted a gut laughing guard or not. She must have looked absolutely ridiculous. Rene was balanced precariously on the top edges of a stall. She had to take her shoes and socks off in order to get better traction on the small ledge. The thought was making her want to vomit. The smell in here really didn't help either. Who knew when the last time this place had been properly cleaned. The back of the toilet had boosted her up to her current position from where she was trying desperately to get the vent cover off without falling. The stupid thing was screwed in of course. Rene pulled the pen out of her hair and shoved it into the screw, frustrated. She started cussing under her breath with each attempted turn. The screws were striped and spun uselessly. Time for more extreme measures. Rene adjusted her feet as best she could for a more stable base. She then carefully strung one of her socks through the slot and back out. She crouched gazing at the floor rather sadly. Here goes nothing.

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