Grim Fate

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It's been a tiring three months for me and my team. The Director had sent us on a mission to expose a dangerous group. It was a top secret mission that no one was supposed to know about and the old lady trusted me and my team enough to handle it. I had been a Master at Chaldea for over a year or two now. According to the Director, I was one of the fastest and more powerful Masters of Chaldea which she commended. Yet somehow, I felt like something was off. Though I couldn't quite put it into words. 

Right now, I was on my way back to my hotel room. Today was the last day I was supposed to spend here before we take a plane back to Chaldea. The reason why I was out so late tonight was because I was grabbing some gifts for my team. They all had different tastes which meant I had to go nearly all over the whole city. And considering I'm not insured to drive a car, well... That just meant I had to walk on foot all over. But after a hectic shopping spree, I finally arrived at the hotel with a bunch of heavy bags. 

I took the elevator up to the 4th floor and walked down the hallway, hoping to reach my team's room before my arms gave out. Upon reaching the door, I frowned as I heard something loud from within. My eyes widened as I recognised those voices. The sound of flesh clapping together. Howver, before I could even enter the room, a hand gripped my collar from behind my neck, turned me around and pinned me against the door. It was a man in green clothes and a hat. I recognised him as Lev Lainur! What was he doing here? And why was he pinning me up against the wall like this?! 

Lev: Master Lycan. I've been wanting to see you for some time now. 

Mutasim: Lev? What are you doing here? What the hell is going on?! 

Lev: Well, I wanted to tell you about your team, but... I suppose I was too late and you've discovered the truth already. My sincerest apologies. 

Mutasim: L-Let me see! I-I can't believe they'd do something like this unless I see it with my own eyes! 

Lev: Mutasim. You are one of my dearest friends. I don't wish to cause you any harm. Such... disturbing sights will no doubt leave your mind a mess. 

Mutasim: I have to see, damnit! 

I tried to shove Lev away, but to my surprise, he grabbed my wrist and pinned it to the wall next to me tight. I try to pry my hand off the wall, but his grip was too strong! 

Lev: Please. Make this easy for yourself. 

Using my other fist, I threw a punch at Lev's face, but it didn't even phase him! He just sighed! 

Lev: Forgive me for this... 

He let go of me, fixed his tie and just walked down the hall, back to the entrance. He didn't say anything as he walked, he just remained silent. What was up with him? But I shook my head, refusing to get lost. Turning to the door, I gripped the handle and opened it, only to find that my fears were true. 

Inside were all of my Servants having sex with ugly, old and fat random people! Tears filled my eyes, but above all else, I felt nothing but rage. Clenching my fists, I rushed to the first fat ass I saw and tackled him off and out of one of my Servants. I slammed him against the wall and punched him hard in the face. The first few punches hurt my fist, but after a while, I became numb to the aching in my knuckles. I felt someone grab my shoulder, but I swifly turned and threw a left hook at that person too, knocking them down on the ground. 

I wasted no time moving onto the others. When the naked faggots realised I wasn't going to stop beating their asses, they all stopped fucking my Servants and grabbed me by my limbs. Despite my hardest efforts to beat the shit out of all of them, they overwhelmed me. But I had made all of them bleed. 

Together, they all carried me towards the open window and I realised what they were trying to do! Thinking quickly, I threw my mouth at the man on my left, holding my left arm and tore into their cheek. A sickening scream of agony echoed through the hotel, but I didn't stop and I tore the flesh and skin right off his face. Everyone screamed in horror and their efforts doubled. With the brief freedom I had with my left hand, I shoved my fingers into one of the men's eyeballs, hoping to get to the brain so he'd die. But the most I did was blind him as my left hand was restrained by one of my own Servants. I caught sight of her long flowing pink hair. Medusa. Tch...

Before I knew it, I was thrown out of the window and I had landed hard on the pavement. 

Somehow, I didn't die instantly, but I felt warmth leaking from my head and a scream from the room I was just thrown out of. My body felt weak and numb, I couldn't move at all. Instead, I was just stuck gazing up at the midnight sky. 

Suddenly, a figure clad in green stood above me and sighed. 

???: Fate is a cruel mistress...

Those were the last words I heard before slipping into an abyss of some sort. I should've felt scared, I should've felt worried, I should've felt pain.

But all I really experienced was peace.

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