The Land of The Living

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After what felt like an eternity of a void and peace, I felt light illuminate my world and my eyes opened up. Upon doing so, I was blinded by the brightness of the area. Was I in Heaven? Was I finally out of purgatory? Or was this all something else? 

???: Ah! Good! You're awake! Phew! That was way too close. I'll need to thank Nightingale for the help. 

I recognise that voice... Somehow, I never thought I'd hear a voice of someone so bright and childish yet so old and pitiful. 

???: Hey! I'm right here you know?! 

Oh... Did I say that out loud? Sitting up from whatever I was lying on, I looked at my surroundings and saw I was in a medical room. In front of me was one of my first friends I met during my time here. Dr Romani Archaman. Or Roman. He often kept to himself until another friend of ours came along. Roman had a slight tendency to be an idiot sometimes, but he was a good man underneath. 

Mutasim: Roman... How long have I been here? 

Roman: Uh... Well, I mean, are you sure you wanna know? 

I nodded silently. He let out a sigh before pulling up a clipboard. 

Roman: Well, you were brought in here 24th January 2017 and it is now... 4th February 2018. 

Mutasim: What the fuck?! A whole year?! Wait... How am I even alive...? I fell from the fourth floor of a hotel! 

Roman: Well it's a good thing Professor Lev was there. He managed to grab you and got you here as fast as he could. If it weren't for him, you'd probably be dead. Though Mash has been terribly worried for you. She spent every single day here, praying you'd wake up. I can go tell her the good news now if you'd like. And your Servants too. 

My... Servants? My mind flashed with images of their betrayal. Medusa... She helped those fat fucks throw me out the window! Immediately, I shook my head. 

Mutasim: No. That won't be necessary. I'll go see Mash myself. 

I try to stand up, but Roman keeps me sat down. 

Roman: That might not be a good idea. You've been in a coma for a whole year! Your legs and body need time to adjust! You try and move now so suddenly...!

I ignored the doctor's comments and pushed myself to my feet. Somehow, I didn't fall or anything. To my surprise, I actually felt strong! Weird... Even Roman was surprised, his eyes were wide open to the point they could probably fall out of their sockets. 


Mutasim: No idea. 

I said while looking down at my body. I was dressed up in the usual medical garb which felt loose and cold. A low groan left my lips but before I could even complain, I felt something small tackle me down to the bed! Immediately, I recognised the short pink hair of my attacker. It was Mash! 

Mash: Mutasim! You're awake! You're finally awake! 

Her voice was muffled as she buried her head into my chest. I chuckled a little, seeing how worried and scared she was about me. I wrapped my arms around the smaller female and rubbed her back as she let loose waterfalls of tears into my chest. 

Mutasim: Good morning Mash. It's good to see you again. Sorry I took so long waking up. 

She separated from me, looking up to see my face. Tears continued streaming down her face, her glasses were a little messed up, but I fixed them for her. She sniffled and smiled. 

Mash: I'm glad you're okay. 

I ruffled her hair and patted her shoulder. 

Mutasim: I've not missed anything important, have I? 

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