Cute And Deadly

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Upon entering the portal leading to Industrial Revolution London, Atalanta and I were immediately submerged in a thick fog which practically blinded us. I let out an annoyed groan. 

Mutasim: Oh come on. London wasn't this foggy when I was still living there. 

Atalanta Alter: To be fair, Master, this is the Industrial Revolution period and we did leave a Holy Grail here. 

Mutasim: True. Also, are you feeling the density of the magic in the air? 

Atalanta Alter: Yeah. Seems like whoever's got the Grail has already gotten to work. Are you feeling okay, Master? I understand if all this magic is making your head a little woozy.

Mutasim: I'll live Atalanta. I just wanna see what my house was like in this time period. If I can remember where this place is amidst the fog. 

With that said, we began to walk through the fog despite being barely able to see. To both our surprise and delight, we didn't need to worry about bumping into anyone since the streets were empty. In order to make sure we didn't stray from each other, I held Atalanta's hand. We walked alongside each other before I recognised the area despite the difference of the buildings. I led Atalanta to my old (or rather future) house and nodded in approval at it. 

Mutasim: Wow. It's pretty big. And looks like it holds up pretty well. 

Atalanta Alter: So this is the house you lived in? 

Mutasim: Yep. I'm surprised it's still more or less the same. I thought the version I lived in was a rebuilt and remodelled one. 

Atalanta Alter: Seems like your old house is pretty ancient. Do you wanna go in and explore? 

Mutasim: Nah. Somebody else lives here. And with all this fog, I'm sure they've got enough on their minds. I just wanted to see what London was like at this time with my own eyes. I'm satisfied. 

Atalanta Alter: Alright. Let's keep go-

She immediately stopped and sniffed the air. I frowned, confused but I knew her senses were nearly unmatched. Something was close. Her pupils thinned like a cat's and she grabbed me and jumped away almost instantly as something dove towards us! Once we were out of the way, Atalanta faced the mystery attacker and growled. 

Mutasim: A Servant?!

Atalanta Alter: Yeah. Who are you?! 

The only response was a low and soft humming. I waved my right hand through the fog, brushing it away and allowing us to see the attacker. To my surprise, it was a small and short girl who wore... very revealing clothing. In her hands, she wielded sharp knives. Another identifying feature of her was her short white hair and her glowing eyes. 

???: You're not Mommy. But you have white hair like us?

Atalanta Alter: Huh? What are you-

I place a hand on Atalanta's shoulder and gently pull her away as I step forward towards the smaller girl. I had a hunch on who this was and crouched down to her level. 

Mutasim: Hi there. You must be Jack the Ripper, right? 

The girl nodded, tilting her head at me. 

Jack: You're... not scared of us?

 not scared of us?

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