chapter twenty-six.

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We spend another three days in New York, ensuring an interim truce is in place with the Council until the treaty can be finalized. Reed says it could take weeks for them to go over every detail and he wants to get me out of the city, away from prowling vampires.

"I'll come back down soon and finish off negotiations with the Council," he tells me as we drive back toward New Haven. "Though I suspect they'll want you part of it again at some point."

I say nothing to that and he adds, "You don't have to though, April. You're not responsible for any of this. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

It is nice that he says it, but I feel responsible in a way. It might not be my fault, but the truce broke in the first place because of me. Am I not at least somewhat obliged to help fix it?

I've tried to do a few classes online the past few days, but I'm woefully behind on college work. I still have a number of assignments and an exam before Spring Break. Maybe then I can finally breathe and take a moment to process everything.

We drop by Yale for me to pick up some things. Clothes, toiletries, my textbooks. A lot of my belongings remain stranded at my parents' house, but I won't venture back there quite yet. Maybe when Reed and I return to New York, I'll find the courage.

He looks around my small dorm room, his eyes momentarily pinning to my bed like he wants to throw me onto it. I shiver at the thought, but am focused on packing.

"What's this?" He asks, standing in front of my antique chest. He reaches down and flips open one of the latches.

"Nothing," I say quickly, hurrying over and doing the latch back up.

"April?" His face is concerned, a crease between his brows, lips pulled down. "No secrets between mates, remember?"

"So I'm not allowed privacy?" My voice is snippier than I intend it to be.

His frown deepens. "No, that's...That's not what I mean."

I sigh and push my hair out of my face, tying it up behind my head in a barely-holding bun. "I'm sorry. It's just a project I'm working on. But it's personal...for now."

"Alright," he nods, his expression still cautious. "Did you want to see your friend, Harper, while we're here?"

I consider it; of course, I want to see her. Badly. But she still thinks I'm with my parents in New York and I think in the interest of keeping her as far away from North as possible, it's for the best.

"No, let's just go."

We make the long drive back to the packhouse and he holds my hand the entire way.

My stomach knots with anxiety as we drive up the dirt road leading to the house. Reed's father, Sol, is standing on the porch with some of the emissaries, waiting for us.

I think Reed can sense my nervousness because he squeezes my hand before we get out.

Carrying my bag in one hand and holding me close with the other, he urges me up the front steps.

"It's good to see you both, healthy and safe," Sol says, his relief evident. "April, I'm sorry about what happened to you in New York."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

Sol nods and pins his stare onto his son. "We have a lot to discuss. Come to the Congregation and we'll–"

"I have to make sure my mate is settled. I'll come soon," Reed says, his voice respectful but also firm.

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