special chapter six.

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Tucked into a comfortable bed, with my mate asleep and snuggled into my side, I could almost pretend the past few days didn't happen.

But they did and I'm finally healed. Which means I need to figure out where my pack is and get them back.

Harper's icy blonde hair is splayed out over my chest, her eyelashes brushing her cheeks.

She is so fucking beautiful.

I lean down and kiss the crown of her forehead, breathing in deeply and ingraining her scent in my mind. As though it wasn't already.

Carefully, trying not to wake her, I ease out from the blankets and pull on my jeans. My shirt is ruined—ripped and bloodstained—but Harper has a fresh men's shirt folded on her desk.

Where the hell did she get this from? Jealousy flares, but I tamp it down. She probably just asked a guy in this building.

I yank it over my head and am pulling on my shoes when she stirs.

"North?" Her sleepy voice is addictive. I want to hear it every morning for the rest of my life.

"Harp, I've got to go."

This wakes her up like a bucket of cold water. "Go? Where?"

"Shh," I hush her, going back over to the bed to try and coax her back to sleep. "It's ok. I'll call you when I can–"

"I'm coming with you." She is already pushing off the blankets and trying to stand. I rest my hands on her shoulders, brushing my thumb along her collarbone, and press her back into the bed.

"No, you're not. There are werewolves who are technically part of the New Haven pack who live closer to the city and in suburbia. I'm going to recruit them to help me track down the rest of the pack. But you need to stay here–"

Harper slaps my hands away. "She's my best friend, North. I won't abandon April anymore than you'd abandon Reed." She stands up in the small space between my body and the bed, her chest pressing to my sternum. Fuck, I should not be this attracted to her right now, but I am. "I'm coming with you."

My mate is defiant and strong-willed and fucking perfect.

"Alright, baby," I murmur. "But you stay close to me and do as I say, yes?"

She nods enthusiastically, only hesitating to ask, "You're all healed right?"

I reach down and wrap my fingers around her wrist, then bring her hand up beneath the hem of the shirt I wear, letting her palm slide along my stomach and up my chest, all the way to the base of my throat.

I'm so fucking hard right now.

"Do I feel all healed?" I breathe. The pupils of her eyes have grown wide and her pink tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip.

"Mhm." She nods.

"Good. Then let's get going."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is short, I know. But don't worry, the next chapter (with April, Reed and Nik) is already written. And trust me...you don't want to miss it lmao 🥵

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