chapter twenty-seven

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To me, forests all look the same. Green leaves and thick trunks and grass and sticks and moss. But I think Reed can feel the difference. He frowns at the forest surrounding us as though it isn't quite right.

"We'll get used to it," I tell him in a soft voice. "Give it time, Reed. It'll start to..."

He is still frowning, the set of his face terse. "Start to what?"

I slip my hand into his, enjoying the warmth that immediately sparks up my arm. "It'll start to feel like home soon enough."

He isn't convinced and I'm not surprised. The rest of our pack doesn't seem entirely convinced either, even as they set about moving furniture into the small houses we have had constructed in the clearings of the forest.

Behind us, looming and as large as ever, sits Nikolai's mansion. We are in his backyard essentially, spread throughout the forest that stretches behind his house.

When I first came up with this idea—to have the pack move onto Nik's property—Reed thought I was insane. Nik did too. But the treaty with the Council is stronger than ever, and after the terrible losses we faced, the pack needs security, safety. Being closer to the city and closer to Nik can provide that.

It is a show of solidarity that many vampires are standing by the treaty. It sends a message to all the vampires who still think of the wolves as lesser creatures, who would seek to hurt them or to destroy the treaty in some way.

"I'm going to go and check on Harper," I tell Reed, squeezing his hand.

He's already eyeing one of his packmates, Heather, as she tries to carry a rather heavy looking table. Being a werewolf gives her superior strength, but she's also six months pregnant. The father of her child—and her mate—unfortunately passed away in the attack, leaving her to raise their unborn child alone.

Well, not entirely alone.

"Heather, put down the table! I'll come and help you, just give me a moment," Reed calls out to her.

"I've got it!" She snaps back, but other members of the pack are already moving toward her to help. Lark ushers her over to one of the houses, trying to get her to rest.

"Go on," I tell my mate, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "I'll meet up with you later."

"Don't go far," he says, wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me against his side for a few moments.


With some reluctance, we part ways. I trek up the slope to Nik's house, letting myself in through the back door and passing by the beautiful kitchen, through the foyer and out to the front.

Harper has set up a mini soccer goal on the grass and is playing with the pack children, keeping them occupied whilst their parents move into their new homes.

A few of the kids are in wolf form, running around and getting underfoot, but most are human, playing soccer with her.

She's so good with them because her energy is boundless.

"April!" She grins and waves when she sees me. "Come play with us!"

"Me playing sports?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "That's a recipe for disaster and we both know it."

"You hurt your ankle once," she says with a roll of her eyes.

"And nearly broke my wrist!" I add. "And nearly broke you!"

"I caught you."

"Me landing on top of you doesn't count as you catching me."

She laughs and kicks the ball over to the kids, then jogs up to me. "Everything going ok down there?"

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