chapter twenty-six.

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The crackling fire casts shifting shadows across Beatrice's thoughtful face. "What did she end up doing with the grimoire?"

I take a sip of the whiskey in my hand. "She's keeping it for now. She hasn't decided what to do with it long term."

"It's a powerful weapon. In the wrong hands, it would be–"

"Useless," I interrupt Beatrice and she arches a manicured eyebrow at me, unimpressed but also wanting more information. "April is the only one that can read the grimoire. I suspect she's the only one that can open it too. Unless you happen to find another Kindred that is also a werewolf's mate, then I think that book is only dangerous in April's hands."

Beatrice hums thoughtfully, picking up a glass of red wine that is infused with human blood and taking a moment to drink. "Why do you think the original Druid made it so the grimoire could only be opened by April?"

I shrug, sinking back into the leather sofa of my large living room. "Probably because her vampire lover was nearly killed by a werewolf. She died to save him from his injuries. Maybe the Druid's dying wish was for someone to finally bring peace between the two species. April is the symbol of a union between vampires and werewolves. The savior finally come," I mutter.

"Try not to sound too bitter," Beatrice intones.

I'm not bitter—well, perhaps a little—it's just difficult. It's been days since I've seen April and the Kindred bond weighs heavily on my shoulders, urging me to seek her out. But she wants space to be with her mate and I need to respect that. Even if it is physically painful to keep myself away from her.

I take another long draught of the whiskey, trying to dull the desperate need to be near her.

"Has she reached out?" Beatrice's voice is softer now.

"No," I reply, refusing to look at my old friend.

"It's going to be fine, Nik. Things will work out for the best."

I won't argue with her, but internally I wonder what 'the best' looks like. If it's April running off into the sunset with Reed, I don't know how I'll handle that.

She wouldn't do that, I think to myself. Not after everything we went through. But honestly, with every day that goes by where I don't hear from her, my concern grows.

"I'm going to grab Kai and we'll head out," Beatrice says, placing her wine glass down on the wooden coffee table. "I'll call you once we're in New York."

I nod my agreement and she squeezes my shoulder comfortingly before she goes to grab the newly-turned Kai.

She's taking him to New York to enter into a program created by the Council of Elders that will teach him to control his bloodlust and start exposing him to safe levels of sunlight in small doses.

In a few weeks, I'll go down and visit and eventually he can come back here and live with me until he's ready to be on his own.

I don't know exactly why I offered to take him on, back in that cave. All I know is that loving April has had a profound impact on me and the person I am now reminds me of the man I once was, back when I led a rebellion against my slave owners, back when I valued life more significantly and mourned the losses of my fallen comrades.

Now, wallowing in the hollow ache in my chest, I start to wonder if not feeling was better than this pain. But then I remember, in brilliant technicolor, the beautiful moments I have shared with April...the kisses and touches, and her soft voice, and the care in her eyes when she looks at me.

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