chapter twenty-seven.

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Tonight, the moon will be full.

The mating ceremony will go ahead and Reed and I will be bound together forever.

Forever... I never thought that at twenty-two I would be dealing in such absolutes.

"Wow," Lark breathes, standing behind me as we look in the mirror. At the far end of the packhouse is a massive room that is like an antique closet, filled with hundreds of items of clothing. We found the dress I am now wearing buried in the depths of one of the racks. "It looks beautiful."

I run my hands down the white, lightweight fabric. It is a simple dress, decorated with strips of lace and a white bow where it cuts low at my chest. The long sleeves cuff at my wrists with small, pearl buttons. It falls nearly to my ankles.

"I don't know," I muse. "Is it a bit much?"

"Of course not. It's your mating ceremony. Nothing is too much. I made everyone wear black for mine and I was in a bright green dress," Lark chuckles as she picks up my hair in her hands. "I could pin your hair up if you want."

I touch the strip of lace, adorned with pearls, that is tied around my neck. I feel like it is strangling me.

"I'm not–I'm not sure."

"You ok?" Lark frowns, dropping my hair. It is stark against the milky color of the dress.

Am I ok?

I feel like I'm being buried alive. "Yeah," I choke out. "I think I just need a walk."

Unable to stay in this room for even a moment longer, I step away from the mirror and stride out, ignoring as Lark calls out for me. Through the living room and out the front door, I jog down the steps and hurry past some young wolves playing on the front lawn. I go straight into the surrounding forest, traipsing through the underbrush, ignoring the way twigs and leaves get caught in the skirt of my dress.

There is a field that Reed showed me last week, filled with wildflowers, and it takes me a while to find it. But when I do, I collapse into the grass and stare up at the clear, blue sky.

I care about Reed, so much. He is the love and comfort and warmth I always wanted growing up. He is my wolf, my protector. I can't imagine not wanting him.

But thoughts of Nik torment me unscrupulously. How can I marry Reed in good faith, promise to spend the rest of my life with him, when I am still imagining another man's mouth?

If I could erase Nik from my memory, I would. But I can't. And denying that I feel this way isn't working either.

I grip a bunch of sprouting bluebells and pull at them till they flutter around me, like a halo.

I know I should go back and speak to Reed. He is busy preparing everything for the ceremony this evening. But...I also know that if I go back now, he will convince me to stay. He will say the right thing, he will kiss me and make me promises and I will give in.

I don't want to give in. And I don't want to do the mating ceremony.

Tears flood my eyes and I cover them with my hand, sobbing quietly.

What should I do?

Stay with Reed or run to Nik?

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆


"Put the other flowers over there." I point to beside the floral arch that has been set up in the Congregation space, where the ceremony will take place. One of my packmates places a heavy bouquet in a pot carefully on the floor.

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