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        Oh. Em. Gee. The sorting ceremony is CRAZY. So basically, you shoot this arrow and the arrow determines your school. (Did someone else tell you this information? Meh. Forget it.) So then, you're separated into groups to take a questionnaire to see which faction of your school that you belong to. For Great, there's Wealth, Hope, Happiness, Power, and Kindness. For Grim, there's Poverty, Drought, Fatality, Greed, and Assassination.

        My turn to be in the front of the line came SO QUICKLY. But first, let's talk about Blake. When she shot her arrow the first time, it landed in the middle of nowhere, but when she shot it a second time, it was a bulls-eye in the Grim target. Wow. Wait. Grim?! I thought her soul was Great! I didn't know-... Wait. Your school determines your destiny. So basically it means that there's a chance she'll live a successful life, but get assassinated and that death would have been your entire destiny...

        "What's your name, ma'am?" a creepy lady asked me. I told her my name, and then it was my turn to shoot the arrow. To be honest, I can't do archery.

        When I shot the arrow, it immediately went toward the target for the School for Great. Whoa, hold on. Blake is in the School for Grim, and I'm in the School for... Great? Does that mean we'll be in different schools? No. This can't be happening. I rely on Blake, and Blake relies on me. Does this mean we won't see each other for a while?

        I was then sent to be with the crowd of Great students, and was given a sheet of paper and this colorful quill that made it look like the lesbian flag... Does the quill determine your sexuality? Anywayyy, I looked down at the paper and wrote my name at the top. Okay. Question 1: Are you from the Fae Realm? I wrote down 'no'. Question 2: Is your family wealthy? I wrote down 'kind of'. There were a total of 20 questions, some of them normal questions like 'how old are you?' and 'where's your hometown?' and some were questionable, and those questions, I'm not telling you. (They're confidential pieces of information that I don't want leaked.)

        Moving on, once the quiz was finished, I had to sit in this room with some creepy and random people, none of whom I recognize. Wait. Where am I? I know for a fact that this isn't Earth, but everything's so... otherworldly.

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