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        Induction ceremony. It exists. And it's the number one boring thing that exists in this world. So. I've been at the Schools for Great and Grim for about a year now, and I'm in the School for Grim, and in the Fatality Faction. Life is good. Totally. It's great. (Really, it's not. At school, all we learn about is how not to die.) I'm 28. At least, in the Fae Realm, that is. According to my parents (both of whom are dead because a pegasus crashed into them and kicked them in the face), I'd be 16 in the Human Realm. I don't know how that's possible, but I guess it is. Humans make no sense. Now I know why I don't have fairy and human friends.

        So. I saw some humans in the crowd for the ceremony. Thirteen, to be exact, and they all looked confused. Almost all of them got into the School for Great except for this one person who had to shoot their arrow two times to get sorted into a School. They looked weird, with light brown skin and piercing bright blue eyes.

        Anyway, after about 30 minutes, the sorting was done. The year Twos up to the year Eights were dismissed to our dormitories. I headed up to the Greed Tower, climbed up the stairs to get to the fourth floor, and entered room 408.

        I don't have any roommates. Yet. I hope I don't get a roommate. Wait. That person who shot their arrow twice seemed like a nice person.

        About 30 very boring minutes later, I heard someone knock on my door. Professor Mundanae came in with someone behind her.

        "Tenebris, meet Blake Panem, your roommate for this term. Blake, if you need anything, look up at the nearest source of light and whisper 'garlic bread' and I'll come as quickly as I can," Professor Mundanae said. She then let Blake enter the room, and left to do something that only she knows.

        Whoa, hold on. The said Blake is the one who shot the arrow twice! I'm baffled.

        "Hi. What's your name? I'm Blake, as you probably heard from Professor Mundanae." 'Blake' seemed to be out or breath. Is it the stairs? Meh.

        "I'm Tenebris Sceleratus, Woodland Fairy, age 28 in the Fae Realm, but according to my parents, I'd be 16 in the Human Realm. How old are you?"

        "Fifteen and a sophomore in high school." What's 'high school'? Is it for people who are superior compared to others?

        "What's high school?" I asked. Look, I can't control my impulses.

        "It's school for 14-18 year olds."

        Our conversation ended there, because Blake was called to the Headmistress' Tower to get her schedule. Wait. Did I just assume Blake's gender?! Hahaha. Silly me.

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