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         Okay, Blake Panem is an interesting person. She seems like a really honest Human. and it's showing. She's also pretty naive. But overall, she seems like a nice person. I'd like to be her friend. Wait- does being roommates mean we're automatically friends? You know what, I'm not going to think about that.

        "Can I tell you my life story?" Blake asked. So far, we'd been silent for the past 30 minutes because we were both reading two random books. I was reading The History of Human Gnats and Roaches by Culex Pediculum. I think Blake was reading this book called Anna Karenina by someone named Lao Tolstav. Wait. Is that right? Let me look again. Wait no. It's by someone by the name of Leo Tolstoy. That's right. It sounds right, so that must mean it's right.

        "Of course." I responded.

        "So. Here goes nothing: I was born in a place called Miami, Florida, and lived there until I was about 6. I had a 16-year-old brother, but he committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. He couldn't swim, so he drowned. Two of his friends did it with him, but since they could swim and float, they didn't drown. My brother drowned, though. My parents arranged a funeral for him that never happened, because we then moved to the capital of the United States, Washington D.C., because of my dad's new job, and to let go of the terrible memories that Miami held. Then, I met Jo, my best friend, who's currently at the School for Good doing something, and then earlier today, I was reading a book when I got sucked into the book, and now I'm here. That book was about Umbra Malum and her quest to fulfil a prophecy," Blake said. Wow, that's a really interesting story. Mine's a little darker. Only a little bit. Wink wink. Actually, it's way darker, but it's okay.

        "Are you mentally stable?" I asked.

        "Maybe. I haven't been diagnosed with anything, but my doctor told me I need a therapist, so yeah."

        "Also, what's 'the United States'? Is that a place in the Human Realm?" Seriously, this Human needs to give me a detailed explanation of the Human Realm.

        "I think it is. Wait. Yeah. It's in the Human Realm. It's in this continent, which is a big land mass, called North America, and there's a country there called the United States of America. It has 50 states and a lot of islands. I'm from this place called Miami, Florida, and then I moved to Washington, D.C., which is short for Washington, District of Colombia. I don't think I need to give you a further explanation because the Human Realm is a complicated place." Well, that cleared some things up.

        "I should tell you about the Fae Realm, but it's also a really complicated place. Also, do you want to return to the Human Realm? Do you like it here, at the Schools?" I asked.

        "I do like it here, but I'd like to return home. I know it's been about 8 hours since I got here, but I miss the simplicity of life in the Human Realm," Blake said.

        Simplicity. It's a simple thing, right?

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