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        Oh. Em. Gee. I met Tenebris Sceleratus, THE antagonist of The Great Prophecy of Umbra Malum! Okay, I need to calm down. Okay. Calmness is here, and to regain my composure. I took a deep breath. Composure is regained. So. I did the assessment thing to see which faction of the School you're in, right? I prayed and prayed to get in Assassination, but lookee here, I got into Greed. Will someone kill me because of greed? Or will I kill someone because of greed?

        Anyway, I talked to Tenebris about what high school is (who doesn't know what it is?), our ages, etc, when I was summoned to the Headmistress' Tower. Apparently, I was summoned to get my schedule.

        After about 10 minutes, I arrived at the Headmistress' Tower: a huge, hidden architectural masterpiece that floats above the Schools. I had to climb a thousand stairs to get up there. Seriously.

        Once I finally arrived at the front door of the tower, I was greeted by Professor Mundanae, but with a different dress. During the Sorting and Induction ceremony, she was wearing a purple dress, but right now, she's wearing a green one that has a similar look to the purple one. And she's wearing glasses right now. She wasn't wearing glasses earlier today.

        "Hello, Blake I Don't Know Your Middle Name Panem! How are you doing? Are you ready for the next term? Your tuition is covered. Your uniform will be hung in your wardrobe... in three seconds. Oh, wait. I have to let you in. Silly me." Professor Mundanae seems mundane. Haha. Mundanae, mundane. Mundane, Mundanae. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Anyway, she let me in, but we were stuck in the front foyer.

        "Alright, So uhh... am I getting my schedule?" I asked.

        "Oh, yes. Sorry. Of course. Here it is." Professor Mundanae produced a beige sheet of paper with writing on it seemingly out of nowhere. How, in the world, did she do it? I'm truly in a state of bamboozle and extremely amazed.

        "Is there anything else you need to tell me? Also, I'm not going to answer that long and heavy stream of questions you asked me."

        "My. I'm very sorry. You're excused. Wait. Why did I summon you? There was an easier thing to do. I could've teleported it to you! Ugh. I'm so stupid." Yup, Professor Mundanae is DEFINITELY mundane.

        She then told me to step into this weird capsule of a cylinder teleportation machine-looking thing, and she closed the door to the said weird capsule of a cylinder teleportation machine-looking thing. It was cold inside.

        5 seconds later, I was face-first in my bed in the Greed Tower. Tenebris was looking at me as if I was a creepy child wearing too much sunscreen, a Big Bird onesie, a pair of oversized black boots, a princess cape, too much plastic necklaces, and a tire around my waist. She was reading this brown book that looked old, but not too old, big, but not too big, and looooong as heck. It had this neon yellow bookmark in it that reminded me of a brick for some reason.

        "How did you appear there? Are you okay? Do you need a therapist?" Tenebris started questioning me. She looked like she went to the library and ran into a huge rat with kawaii pink eyes and a pink tutu and a pink princess tiara on its head. She had no scars, though. That's good.

        "One: Professor Mundanae. Two: I have no idea if I'm okay. Three: How do you know what a therapist is? Do you need a therapist?" Ah yes. Revenge. It feels so nice. Wait- What am I getting revenge on? Ohhh yeahhh, asking three questions in a row. Hahaha. I'm so cool.

        "I don't need a therapist. I'm my own therapist. Also, did you use Professor Mundanae's super weird and totally not dangerous teleportation capsule?" Tenebris asked.

        "Wait, it's dangerous?!"

      "You shall never know." Tenebris then went out of the room with some showering supplies. Did I forget to tell you what Tenebris looks like? So. Tenebris is this Woodland fairy with curly red hair that's almost always in a low ponytail. She has these blood red-black gradient horns [that kind of remind me of goats. Baa], some wire-rimmed glasses, SUPER pale skin, forest green and white wings (kind of like angel wings, but more fairy-like), one yellow and one orange eye, and a TON of freckles. You know, she looks like she could kill you, but really, she's a cinnamon roll. Wait. Is she a cinnamon roll? I don't know, and I'm not going to worry about that.

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's about time I posted chapter 6 of the novel :) And so here it is. Little point of cHaRaCtEr DeVeLoPmEnT: Professor Mundanae speaks in short sentences only. That was a last minute decision that I made when I was writing this chapter back in November.

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