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        So uhh... About an hour after Levitas fell asleep, she started to cough bright pink clouds of glittery and sparkly stuff... And her skin was transluscent... I got out my phone to see if the Human Ambulance works here. The only contacts I found was Blake, my mom, and the Hospital Wing. I wonder how the Hospital Wing suddenly popped into my contacts, but I tried calling it.

       "Hello? Rachel from the Hospital Wing. How may I help you?" Rachel I-Don't-Know-Her-Last-Name said. She didn't sound like she was in a rush. At all.

        "Hi, I'm Jolene Vivus, in room 606 of the Power Tower. My roommate suddenly started coughing bright pink clouds of glitttery and sparkly stuff, and her skin is transluscent. That happened about an hour after she fell asleep at about 9 PM. What can I do to make her stop?" I asked. That was said in a rushed, panicked voice.

        "Someone from the Hospital Wing will come to you as soon as possible." Pause. "Okay, Johanna is coming in about 10 seconds." Rachel pronounced Johanna as yo-hah-nah, just in case you read her name as Joe-anne-na. It's not Jo. I'M Jo.

        And just like Rachel I-Don't-Know-Her-Last-Name said, the said Johanna suddenly appeared in my room in 10 seconds. She looked like a stereotypical Mexican lady, but looked like she's been teleporting from place to place in seconds over the span of 15 years.

        "Where's your roommate?" She asked. She had a thick southern accent. Is she a severely tanned cowgirl, perhaps?

        I looked over at Levitas' bed. She wasn't there. I looked up. She was on one of the wooden support beams on our half-dome of a wooden roof.

        "Wait. A second ago, she was on her bed, and now she's on one of the support beams for the roof! How? Why? WHAT." I said.

        "It's probably a case of Faeish Seizure syndrome. It's when a person from the Fae Realm suddenly spews out pink sparkly glitter, skin looks transluscent, and starts teleporting. Most of the time it's that, but occasionally, it can be a case of Faeish Kanoodly HomoRage SparkGlit TeleDial Syndrome." Wow, Johanna. Nice explaining that I totally understood.

        Johanna then teleported up to the support beam and touched Levitas' right arm, which started to glow, and Levitas disappeared. Probably to the Hospital Wing.

        "I sent her to a specific ward in the Hospital Wing. She should be okay now. Visitors will be open tomorrow during lunch. Goodbye, and have a good day." Johanna then teleported somewhere. Probably back to the Hospital wing. You know, she spoke in a really formal tone that literally no one uses. It seemed like she was AI, but I'm not questioning it. These Schools are too weird and fantasy-like.

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