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"Yes, please. I would really enjoy that." the princess replied.

"That's settled, I'll have that ready for you." she smiled softly, then head to the kitchen.

Tran waited patiently for her food, she twirled her fingers in her sea creature's fur in curiosity. As Madelyn came back with a cherry pie in her hand, flour dusted on her fingertips.

"Here you are." The baker set it down on the wooden table. She pulled out a water cup to fill for the floaty-fluffy creatures.

"Thank you." she thanked, eating her food.

".. Princess, I've heard that the floralist has new roses. The ones you like possibly." Madelyn spoke.

"Really?!" Tran's eyes brightened, her feet kicking the air slightly. "I must pay my bill first, then i shall make a visit."

Madelyn chuckled, she opened the cashier box. Tran dropped her coins in and thanked the baker, then left.

Once she arrived to Ace's shop, she found him rearranging a bouquet. Ace's head lifted to see the door open.

"Good afternoon, my lady." he says. "I assume you have heard of the roses?"

"Mhm." she hummed, playing with the seashells attached to her clothes.

"Say," Ace spoke. "Does the king need his greenery uplifted?"

"Hm.. The sea is naturally greened, but I'm not sure. Let's find out." The princess says.

As the Princess and the Floralist went to the shore, as the king rose up from the clear water, he smiled softly, moving his hair away from his face.

"My daughter, and Ace," King Lucas greeted, "How are you?"

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