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"im fine." she replied.

Markus still had a judgemental face on, then he shrugged.

Meanwhile, Ace and Arbor were wandering around to find at least something related to Silas, Arbor stopped in their tracks. Ace turned. "What?" he pestered.

"Look." they pointed forwards, at the end of the forest, was a land. the land contained a large black architectural mansion, it seemed somewhat dark and gloomy. "Do you think anything in there would help us?"

Ace raised his eyebrows. "Anything?"

"Well, I'm going." Arbor walked towards the the tall narrow black door, he gulped nervously.

"Do you not have the balls to?" Ace snickered.

"Shut up." Arbor knocked on the door loudly, where the door opened by itself, they flinched.

Ace and Arbor stepped inside, where a big entrance is seen, dark. Ace held up an oil lantern, Arbor jumped from a rat scurring on the checkered floor.

"Is anybody here?" Ace shouted.

"Dude, not so loud!" Arbor squirmed.

Suddenly ━ and willingly, a candle lit from above, casting light from a dusty chandelier. High up the stairs, was someone.

"I recognize you both." a mysterious and eery voice spoke.

Arbor screamed in surprise. Ace looked up at the stairs, it was a man. Dressed in black, glaring down at them both from the steps, dark red eyes, Ace's eyes widened.

"You are the florist from town, and you are the person in the forest all day and night." the man said, going down the long steps slowly.

"Wait. Stay there." Arbor says, pulling a sword from their belt.

"Are you.. Silas?" Ace asked carefully.

".. Yes, I am thee." he replied, Ace could recognize his voice now. Silas went down the stairs, his crimson eyes boring into his.

"W-we've been sent to take you to the royals... Is that alright?" Arbor says.

"Which... royals?" Silas questioned.

"King Lucas." Ace answered.

Silas' eyebrows raised and his head tilted slightly, he seemed more interested now, how odd. "Lucas?"

Arbor chuckled. "You look interested suddenly now."

Silas glared at them, his face flushed, then looked back to Ace. "What would he need my presence?" he asked.

"He says he has business with you."

"Let's hurry on then, quickly now children." Silas immediately says, walking hastily past them, Arbors head snapped turned to watch him scurry.

"He seems okay.."

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