Feels Right

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It's been a few days since the chaos in the coffee shop and Déja has properly settled in her family home. She was perfectly content watching a film on her laptop snuggled up in her bed and felt relieved being in her own space again.

Jude, on the other hand, was stuck at the airport. He was about to make the biggest move of his career and his flight to Spain had just got delayed for two hours. He decided to try to text Déja again. It had been three days since she gave him her number and once he actually got it he didn't know what to do with it. After a few minutes hovering over her name with his finger, he bites the bullet.

*Déja's Phone*

Unknown Number

You did tell them
about the hot guy
you have a crush on.

Took you look enough
Couldn't mistake you for
anyone else if I tried😂

I'll take that as a

You take everything as a

What are you doing?

Nothing. Just at home.

*Incoming Facetime Call*
*Unknown Number*

"Hey." Jude cheesed as he saw the girl pop up on his screen. He was surprised to see that the girl had picked up to be honest.  He enjoyed seeing this side of her. She seemed more serene and in her element. She even returned his smile.

"Hi. Where are you?" She asks failing to make sense of his surroundings.

"In the airport. On my way to Spain." He answered truthfully.

"Hmmm. I wonder why. Signing for a particular team maybe." She tried to poke fun at him. He seemed a little nervous telling her. She'd learnt alot about his career and football in general lately and realised just how big of a move it was for him. She tried to make light of the situation to hopefully put his mind at ease.

"Yeah maybe. At least I hope so. How would you know that anyway?" He questioned trying to put attention back on the girl. Lord knows he didn't need any more of it.

"Calm yourself alright." She laughs. "My friend Sebastian is a huge Real Madrid fan. I've learnt a lot more than I should about the chase of very talented Jude Bellingham and over the past few weeks I've had reasons to be a little more interested." She smiles feeling accomplished by his flustered face on the screen.

"Really" His smile widens seeing her satisfied nod. "Care to share what you've learnt?"

"Well for starters you've got an unbelievable amount of fangirls." She decides to go a little more unserious as he bursts into fits of laughter. "Seriously though, why not England?"

He tries to think of a suitable answer. "It's Madrid innit." He laughs for lack of a better response. "I don't know man. If it feels right, you just have to go for it." He finally admits implying more than just football.

"No I get it." She responds. "I highly doubt you know much Spanish though" She grins imagining him speaking the language laced with nuances of his brummie accent she had grown a little fond of.

"Doesn't go much past hola I'm afraid" He agrees with a light chuckle. "I'm a fast learner. I'll catch on. Hopefully."

"If you're ever in town I could help with some lessons. Never had much use for it anyways." The girl suggests.

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