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The world around me constantly mutated, its contours twisting as I became trapped in a chaotic whirl. This discordant symphony threatened to tear the veil of reality. Ominous rumbles of thunder echoed around me, entwined with the sharp cries of forces colliding. The earth beneath quaked, stone cracking as a figure cloaked in green brought his foot down on the stone. The sanctuary of once-lush forests had been ravaged, transformed into a desolate expanse marred by blood and scorch marks. Overhead, the sun hid, its brilliance blocked by large black clouds that painted the atmosphere with ghostly pallor.

My fingers clenched around my trident, a soft humming ringing in my ears as I spun it at my side. Despite the sense of strength that steeled my vision, a foreboding unease gnawed at me as I beheld the surreal scene. Sheathed in armor pulsed with heavenly light, Luminous warriors were locked in desperate combat against demons. A black aura obscured their faces. The rhythm of combat was tumultuous, an orchestration of struggle and strife. Yet, an inexplicable detachment settled over me, rendering me a ghostly spectator amid the upheaval of clashing forces. Fatigue seeped into my bones; the trident, which should have been weightless, felt like a pillar of lead in my hands.

Amid the blinding storm, a fleeting silhouette teased the periphery of my senses, an enigma momentarily softening the violent cacophony. The harsh cadence of battle waned, supplanted by an ethereal whisper that caressed the corners of my mind.

"I can heal you," the voice urged, its tone firm and comforting.

A distinctly feminine voice beckoned from the opposite direction, "I'll give you more ammunition. Also, something is coming from the woods."

My head turned involuntarily towards the woman who stood illuminated, distinct from the shadows. She donned brown armor, complemented with a skirt. Her smooth brown skin showcased her round cheeks and delicate features. Her brown hair, curled gracefully, was tied back in a ponytail. The woman's face shimmered with a constellation pattern I instantly recognized. Before me stood the Zodiac of Virgo, guardian of the forests. She was the Zodiac to whom I had been provided coordinates.

Suddenly, nature itself stirred, its dormant pulse quickening. Trees broke from the stone, forming a circle of verdant green around me.

From the trees, I felt myself force the water within to surge, forming droplets into a pristine orb. I thrust with formidable might toward an ominous silhouette lurking in the gloom.

Abruptly, I was yanked from the reverie of the dreamworld, thrust into the tangible rhythm of a bus rumbling over rocky roads. Each bump and jolt resonated through the seats. The elderly Latina beside me, unfazed by the uneven terrain, continued her meditative knitting with practiced ease, her needles dancing in a familiar duet.

I had discreetly exited from America, and luckily, I had just enough Mexican currency in my emergency stash to secure a bus ride to the airport. As each moment passed, I could sense the escalating tension of the people around me, their distress mounting as their world shifted in unforeseen ways.

Outside was a montage of life in motion. Traffic wove by in a synchronized ballet of impatience and resignation. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes jostled for space, horns occasionally punctuating the soundscape. Beyond the immediate rush of roads and cars, vast stretches of fields unfurled, their hues alternating between the verdant green of crops and the earthy browns of tilled land. Now and then, a lone tree or a distant farmhouse would momentarily hold my gaze, only to be replaced by the next fleeting scene.

Amidst the shifting landscape, my phone, placed on the small tray in front of me, buzzed and lit up, its screen crowded with a slew of notifications. Each ping and alert was a jarring reminder of the world I had departed, pulling me further away from the otherworldly landscapes of my dream and firmly anchoring me in the here and now.

Jalen: Pisces the Dreamer (Trials of the Zodiac Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now