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In the harsh midday sunlight filtering through the expansive windows at the Val de Cans International Airport entrance in Belem, Brazil, I couldn't help but feel strikingly out of place. Draped in a loose hoodie that concealed most of my features, I sweltered beneath its suffocating embrace.

Beyond those glass barriers, the vibrant tropical scene framed the bustling cityscape composed of humidity and vivid hues. The air clung to me like a second layer of skin.

The airport bustled with activity as travelers from around the globe mingled with locals. The architectural elegance of the terminal blended harmoniously with the lush greenery that characterized the region. Striking palm trees swayed gently in the warm breeze, casting intricate shadows upon the mosaic of terracotta tiles beneath.

The air was fragrant with tantalizing exotic fruits and street food scents. This sensory symphony welcomed visitors to the heart of the Amazon. Conversations in a flurry of languages created a vibrant cacophony.

We had chosen to leave the smaller resort town as my display near the river had received much media buzz. Now, amidst this kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents, I stood as a solitary figure, my obscured identity a stark contrast to the pulsating life that flowed through the city's veins.

The journey thus far has been an unrelenting day-long marathon of driving. As I stepped into the airport, an unmistakable surge of nerves coursed through me, causing my heart to throb like an insistent drumbeat. Unlike Balam and Kai, who seemed unruffled, I grappled with the looming anxiety of my face potentially making headlines on international news channels again.

Though flying was my last pick, our choices could have been much better. This was primarily due to the pressing deadline to catch our cruise departing from Fort Lauderdale within the next day; Kai had found its path crossed a good swath of the Northern Atlantic. Given my almost specific placement on the global no-fly list, covering over five thousand miles on foot in a single day was a near-impossible endeavor. Even if we didn't need to rest, we still wouldn't be fast enough. Thus, the conventional, albeit human, mode of air travel remained our sole viable option—a fact that was evident in Kai's less-than-enthusiastic demeanor.

Meshing into the ordinary crowd, we queued up at the customs checkpoint. The customs officers looked disinterested as they scanned passports. I held onto my emergency passport firmly, trying to remember the alias while my fingers were itching with the new instinct to summon my concealed weapon. The person in front of me completed their assessment, and then it was my turn to approach the agent.

"May I have your name and age, please?" the agent asked in a thick accent, his demeanor retaining an air of suspicion as he extended a hand to receive my passport.

"Charles Smith-Anderson, twenty-seven," I replied, my gaze locked onto his as he glanced from me to my passport.

"Reason for your stay in Brazil?" His fingers moved slowly over the keyboard as he recorded my response, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Just a vacation with some friends," I explained, carefully watching his every keystroke, my senses on high alert as he let out an almost bored sigh.

"Trust, you had a pleasant time," he muttered dispassionately, his tone dripping with skepticism. "Proceed to the baggage scanner," he directed, and I complied, placing my bag on the conveyor belt. My hands moved with practiced efficiency as I removed any metallic items. My earring had never been an issue as long as I didn't bring attention to it.

Stepping through the scanner, I held my breath, the tension in the air palpable. My heart raced as I breathed a sigh of relief when no alarms blared. With my shoes back on and belongings collected, I quickly made my way to the coffee stand, where my companions awaited, the agent's lingering suspicion still weighing on my mind.

Jalen: Pisces the Dreamer (Trials of the Zodiac Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now