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A serene landscape unfolded before me as flowers swayed in the gentle breeze, the sun casting its golden rays from behind distant mountains. Beside me stood Kai in elaborate green robes, his shield and a sword secured at his back. I was clothed similarly in elegant robes of light blue, my trident resting on my back, and a sheathed dagger hung at my side.

Kai's words washed over me, "This mountain is a display of our life together, Pisces," Kai's voice resonated with warmth as he guided me along a path. The aroma of cooking meat beckoned us forward, and we arrived at a vibrant village nestled at the mountain's base. Laughter filled the air as children ran towards us, some floating on butterfly wings and others on all fours. Surprised by their playfulness, Kai knelt while I reached out to the water, delighting the children with splashes of cool mist.

We played for hours until the sun began its descent. As the children left for dinner, Kai and I shared a tender moment. We looked out at the sky and saw the perfection of sunset. His whispers in my ear promised a future beyond the battles that raged, a future filled with love and the joys of our own family. Kai's voice, filled with hope, reassured me of The Universe's support, yet a gnawing doubt lingered.

A sudden darkness marred the scene, and the metallic scent of blood tainted the air. Kai coughed, his bulky body crumbling before me, his life force ebbing away. Blood was pouring out of his mouth like a crimson fountain. Desperation and grief clawed at my heart as I knelt beside him, unable to do anything to help. His blood stained my robes and soaked my knees. In that awful moment, my mind stirred. I was dreaming, and I wanted it to stop. I imagined my mind expanding and felt the confines of the dream shatter, leaving me awakened to a harsh reality.

Blinking back tears, I rose from the ground. The scent of blood lingered, urging me to act. I stood with weakened legs and trembling hands, invoking my magic to conjure a thin veil of water. I gained just enough energy to perform the magic from my short rest. Guiding the water, I wove the veil through their bodies. I could feel the oily demon blood congealed as the droplets enrobed every particle of the toxin, which left a burning sensation in my mind.

Balam and Kai stirred, gasping for air as consciousness returned to them. Their immortal healing began to work, marked by retching, but as the last traces of demonic blood were purged, they sat up, alive and alert. My smile reflected relief and gratitude, but the strain was undeniable, and I faltered, sinking to my knees.

Kai crawled to my side, his recovery visible but not without cost. Blood stained his lips, but his eyes held a fierceness.

"We're here, Jalen. You saved us. We're with you, "he assured me.

As my tears mixed with the damp Earth, I looked at my friends, their resilience and warmth. "We won," I whispered, my voice trembling.

Kai's comforting presence steadied me as I leaned against him, my emotions still swirling. His reassurance held a quiet strength that anchored my racing thoughts as I blinked back tears. Without him, my will to continue would have crumbled.

We stood together, a united front, amidst the aftermath of the battle. Balam's urgent call snapped our attention, and my gaze followed his gesture to the highest point of the battleground, where Triton had reformed, seething with anger. Whoever had been acting as a puppeteer had done something to intervene. It was the only logical reason his body had reformed and his essence had returned so quickly from the godly realm to Atlantis. The danger was tangible, and I moved to rise, but Kai's firm grip kept me in place.

Just as Triton lunged toward us, Yemoja appeared between us and intervened. Her hand collided with Triton's body, and a burst of light accompanied them. Triton was sent crashing through a wall, vanishing from sight. The arrival of a new god, his hair a fiery red and white robes flowed around him. A glowing pool of steaming water appeared at our feet with a touch to the ground, its warmth radiating comfort and relief. Its soothing aura washed over us, dispelling most of the strain that had gripped my body.

Jalen: Pisces the Dreamer (Trials of the Zodiac Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now