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The luxurious yacht sailed through the boundless expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, its pristine exterior contrasting with the endless azure waters. With no clear destination in mind, we kept our distance from the shore, allowing us ample time to brainstorm plans, even though the process felt frustratingly unproductive.

Above us, the sky stretched out like an ever-changing canvas, painted with hues of shifting blues and violets. The wind tinged with the taste of salt, tugged at our hair and clothes as we gathered on the deck, the cool breeze a refreshing contrast to the warm sun overhead.

As we floated in the tranquil atmosphere, my companions and I enjoyed the serenity of the open sea, sipping on refreshing piñacoladas in comfortable silence. Balam, Kai, and I, all lost in our thoughts, found solace in the gentle rocking of the waves and the sweet taste of our drinks.

However, the peaceful ambiance was interrupted as a merman sweeping the deck came to a complete stop. Above, seagulls were suspended in the air. I steadied myself, knowing what all of that meant. Suddenly, a figure appeared suspended in the air. She wore a simple yet elegant cream-colored gown that accentuated her grace and timeless beauty. Even in her simple attire, she radiated an aura of captivating allure. Her hair floated around her like depictions of wind in post-impressionist era paintings.

"Greetings, champions of the mortal realm," the Primordial Thought spoke, her voice a soothing, melodic chorus that resonated with warmth and empathy. "I come bearing knowledge that shall guide you on your path."

Her form seemed to sway gracefully in the wind as she spoke, her hair cascading like ethereal tendrils around her. A sense of pride emanated from her as if she took immense satisfaction in being able to assist us. I wondered how she managed to stay hidden from The Universe and her fellow Primordials. I figured it had something to do with time.

"What do you have for us?" I asked, my voice carrying my curiosity and a growing gratitude for her presence. We had been sailing without a destination.

Primordial Thought's form gleamed, and her tendrils of hair gracefully pulled into a bun, giving her a more composed appearance. She produced a golden scroll from within her ephemeral form, its radiance outshining the sun above. She unrolled it, revealing a series of strange and haunting images. Scenes from our past flickered before our eyes—battles, and struggles across different eras, each ending with a lone warrior bearing countless battle scars, standing defiantly against a horde of demons.

"The Lost One stirs," she whispered, her words brushing against our minds like a gentle breeze. "I sense ripples in the underworld, and the last time I felt such malice was when Lucifer summoned his horsemen. Now, he is invoking a new set of horsemen, beings of darkness and destruction who shall herald the end of all things."

My heart clenched at the gravity of her words, the weight of an impending apocalypse hanging heavily in the air. "The horsemen," Kai muttered, his voice tinged with realization. "The embodiment of the apocalypse—pestilence, war, famine, and death. We defeated them once before, didn't we?"

Primordial Thought's presence seemed to swell, resonating with the universe's pulse. "Neptune's attack was the initial strike, a substantial move against the three of you," she began, her voice carrying the weight of knowledge. "The Lost One employed an arcane spell called the 'Binding of The Universe' This spell is unique, for it bends the very rules of reality, allowing him to impose a limited set of regulations on the most powerful beings, such as myself and the gods. One of these rules dictates that we cannot intervene unless he initiates the first move. The demons that attacked you could have been ordered from a source far removed from The Lost One, so the spell wasn't broken when Leviathan attacked you—but aligning a god with his cause. That act is enough to allow me to reveal the following. My first revelation is that the Zodiacs operate at only a fraction of their power when isolated. Spells you once had will not be accessible until you come together."

Jalen: Pisces the Dreamer (Trials of the Zodiac Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now