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I playfully slid my toes up Kai's leg, tracing a path to his chest, inching teasingly close to his mouth until he intercepted them, gently squeezing my foot. Our antics in the bathtub sent bubbles and water splashing over the tub's edge. Kai had his hair pulled back with a simple rubber band while I had left mine down, inspired by his passing comment about how he liked it that way.

"I could spend eternity in this room with you," he grinned.

Smirking back, I replied, "As much as I'd love that, reality's creeping in."

I felt the hum of Atlantis growing louder, and he kissed my foot quickly, provoking a spontaneous laugh. Our night had been an unending series of passionate moments, interrupted only by the sunrise. The room now held the lingering scent of our night of sex and the fading aroma of a dwindling candlewick.

"I think it's a spell," I pondered, "Atlantis opens its doors only to those it's chosen."

With my eyes closed, I conjured up an image of the legendary city—a place a thousand years ahead of even the most advanced surface cities. The structures, a blend of stainless steel and sea glass, were feats of science and design. The bustling streets were alive with underwater dwellers immersed in their daily routines. The water enveloping the city was brighter than the sun above, and the very sounds of life were unique to this undersea paradise.

"Baby, you seemed distant just now," Kai said. I was still absorbed in the memory, which was only a fraction of the grandness of Atlantis.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming. It's been so long, and I'm sure Atlantis has progressed even further than when I left it."

"It was your home," he said. I nodded, noticing the crease on his forehead. I comfortingly rubbed his leg, and his frown gradually transformed into a smile.

"Why doー?" Knocks on the door cut me off.

"Hey, are you two planning to spend the entire day in there, or do you want to explore the ship?" Balam shouted. His forceful knocks reverberated through the bathroom door.

"Give us a minute," we shouted in unison.

Kai and I clambered out of the tub, dressed quickly, and headed out. Balam was waiting outside, dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and shorts. "Let's hit the lounge. It's the only place with halfway decent vegetarian options," he said. We trailed after him, arriving at the restaurant, where we secured a table at its center. Each of us ordered an espresso. Balam opted for vegan pancakes, while Kai and I settled on sandwiches.

The atmosphere was strained as we ate. Balam's gaze avoided both of us, and Kai's cheeks were tinged with crimson. "We slept together," I interjected, attempting to break the tension. We were still on the run, and maintaining unity was paramount.

"I heard," he said, his tone measured. Balam rested his hands on the table, and we exchanged silent glances, wondering how to navigate the unspoken complexities of our situation.

"I don't want this to be weird. We're all well beyond being adults; let's move past the awkwardness," Kai said, breaking the silence.

"Exactly. I don't want to be the odd one out, either. I've spent much of my life being pushed to the sidelines. I won't let that happen again," Balam added earnestly. I extended my hand, and he met it with a firm shake.

"Deal," we echoed, our shared commitment to maintaining our bond more robust than any lingering discomfort.

I retrieved my phone, the first time I had done so in days. The news was becoming increasingly bizarre. Reports of men in rural South Carolina patrolling their neighborhoods, claiming to be hunting down suspected child-stealing vampires, filled the headlines. I delved deeper and found a video capturing the three of us, our faces plastered under the word "WANTED." Passing the phone around, we all shared a grimace.

Jalen: Pisces the Dreamer (Trials of the Zodiac Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora