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It's been two hours since we arrived at the safe house again after being bombarded by those people. I say those people because we still have no idea who attacked us yet.

I can't believe this shit was pulled on us, the thought of it makes me even angrier. Nothing was supposed to go wrong, everything was supposed to be handled if something like this was to happen. I don't understand how everything was under control for a certain time and it suddenly went down.

The point is that when I find out who was behind us all, will pay the price for it dearly.

I wipe my desk clean out of anger, I'm angry because I promised Mia something that ended up going to shit. I told her that I would prendersi cura di tutto, but nothing did.

My God, she probably hates my guts right now. I wouldn't blame her anymore, all she wanted was a private funeral with close friends and family but I pushed it by wanting double the security. I had people at the funeral of someone that they had never met, some did, but not all of them knew what a great person Greta Ricci was.

When we got home Mia immediately went into the bedroom, she locked herself in there and I didn't even try to push otherwise because of everything she had gone through these couple of days. She first found out about the Russians targeting, then it was the miscarriage, then her mother's death, and now she has one more thing to deal with since her father was killed.

Part of me didn't comprehend what was going on earlier: Mia was crying because someone killed her father, she even cried for him, but why? I thought she hated his ass, that figlio di puttana almost killed her and killed her baby. I don't understand why she would be crying for such a pezzo di merda. He wasn't a great father from my understanding.

I push my chair away, sending it flying to the other side of the room while I stand and make myself a drink. I just want to get fucking drunk, try to get past what happened today, and start something new with my wife. I'd do anything for Mia to be happy here, happy with me.

"Luka?" There's a knock on the other side of the door.

I sigh, pouring another drink. "Come in, Enzo."

The door opens and in comes Enzo with papers in his hands. He throws them at my desk with a sigh, his eyes wandering around the trashed room. Enzo rolls his eyes, he knows that this happens way often.

"Did you find anything?" I ask as I hand him the glass of bourbon I poured out for him.

Enzo took the glass. "You were right; the Russians were behind it all."

My jaw clenched, I emptied my cup and smashed it against the wall when that news was given to me. Of course, I was fucking right. The Russians are playing with fire now more than ever, they know that Mia is being protected by me and they want to take her away.

Shit, that'll happen sul mio cadavere.

What angers me even more is the fact that we have no fucking idea who's the mastermind behind all these attacks. I have no clue who knows so much about us to understand what they keep doing. I killed the wrong person, I fucking missed the chance of finding out when I decided to take that fuckers life.

If I had known that it would cost me this much trouble I would have taken him with me the minute I found him in that office. Everyone that was in that house is dead, there is no way I can call out for a sudden meeting.

"I already ordered the guys to check the security cameras to see if we can find any more leads to them. We could get a few car plaques and see where we go from there. I'm also having them check the security system to make sure nothing is missing from our accounts." Enzo finished off.

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