Cristmas Special! Sonic Sans saves New Year and Merry Cristmas!

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This chapter is Cristmas Special, so it's not canon to my main timeline story. So non-canon story and well let's go. Gotta go Fast. Although to Lore this Story is canon(meaning all things mentioned here and feats are canon or more like that Characters or rather Sonic Sans are capable of them in my MT(main timeline). 

With Sonic Sans and Friends

We see our favority speedy skeleton with his friends, he with his friends and family prepared for upcoming Merry Cristmas and New Year. He helped his friends with his immeasurable speed, which is beyond time itself. That's why they made a lot of things in spam of incredibly small time or even no time at all. 

Sonic Sans is seen with sweater that has Santa and his ever present pets that allow him to fly and deliver presents all over the world. 

Sonic Sans: Hello there dear readers that are reading this. I am deeply appreactiative of what you done for this story. I congrudulate anyone and everyone with New Year and Merry Cristmas. Well gotta go. Sonic Sans says and then disappears from whatever place he was in. He arrived to where his friends and family are staying for upcoming holiday. 

He greeted everyone and he counted everyone. He smiled for their eagerness for this. He himself is exicited. But he for some reason got a very glooming and strange feeling as if something can go wrong and this Cristmas and New Year might be in danger. He didn't know why he had such a feeling, but he never got anythign wrong with his predictions, which is why it got him on guard. 

He swore he saw someone outside the house. He eyed everyone, well he decided that it won't hurt to see, who is outside. He will be gone in a blur and back a second later. He sped outside on impersivable speeds to others, but slow to him. He saw something or rather someone he didn't ever thought he would see. The Santa he was standing there, probably waiting for him. At least his pose suggested that. Sonic wasn't sure, if that real. But he wasn't going to guestion that yet. 

Sonic Sans: Uh, hello? He said for his greeting. Santa eyed him and then smiled warmly. He made a gesture for Sonic to approach him, which our skeleton understood and did so what was told to him. 

Sonic Sans: Are you really Santa?! He asked and half-self stated. Santa then laughed and aimed his hand at himself as if affirming Sonic's conclusion. 

Santa Claus: Yes Sans or should I call you Sonic Sans? He asked and named Sonic. Sonic smiled a bit cheekely. Of course he respected this man, even though he thought that this mysterious and mythical character is not real and just a myth, but we can be wrong right?

Sonic Sans: Wow that so cool, but I can't help feeling that you are not here for some talking, are you? Sonic asked kinda making a conclusion already. Santa signed, but he then decided to elaborate. 

Santa: You see Sonic, this Cristmas or New Year is in great danger.  Let me explain. Long Ago before Cristmas was even a thing. There was a thing, you can say a demon. That's thing didn't have an identity. However it grew more powerful, until it gained it's own cousioness. Just that time I was created by the Tree of Cristmas or New Year, if you will. Now see that Tree of Cristmas is something that holds and allows Cristmas to be real and it is the same thing that allows me to do things I can do, literally giving me my power. It connects all of universes and multiverses, dimensions and so on. Pretty much connecting all of Omniverse and containing it. It allows me to travel between them and deliver presents all over the Omniverse, not just our Multiverse, but far beyond it. Omniverse is an infinitely dimensional construct and space, with Tree of Cristmas completely transcending it and even all of mathimatics. Santa explains. 

Santa: This Demon decided to destroy this Tree and me as I and this tree represent Cristmas or New Year. This Demon has decided to call itself or himself now I guess. His name is Grinch(or Grunch). In our battle I with help of ToC(Tree of Cristmas in short for simplicity). I managed to seal him with my and ToC power. Santa explained fully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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