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☆ 42. Chapter 42 Childrenfont record

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Chapter 42

It was good that the children were willing to spend half a day with Lie to enjoy the flowers. After admiring the flowers, Lie made a simple lunch under the guidance of Happy, and the two of them took a short break after lunch. , and started busy again.

"How is this batch of glass? Can it meet the same standards?" He was happy to come to the workshop to check the glass windows that had been made according to the standards.

"Five out of ten of this batch of glass are good, which is much better than before."

Hearing this, Hexi muttered for a moment. The person in charge seemed to feel her dissatisfaction and quickly led the way, "Fairy Hexi, this While walking, we have successfully built the glass frame as you said, and a few people have learned to install it."

"Really?" Happy to follow.

I saw a wall being built in front of me. There were windows on the wall as per the standard. Several windows had already been installed.

The clarity of the window is quite high, and the frame is strictly standardized. She pushed the window, which is a traditional sliding window for technical reasons.

However, even if it is a sliding window, after the window is closed tightly, there is almost no gap visible, which can be said to be very good.

With a satisfied smile on his face, he happily looked at several other windows. They were all of the same standard, and there was no obstruction when sliding the windows.

"It's ready for use in the building under construction."

Great, the person in charge looked excited. With the happy affirmation, their windows can be officially put into installation. This is not only an affirmation of the fruits of their labor, but also means that the building The day of completion is getting closer.

After hearing the news, everyone in the workshop was very excited, but at the same time they did not forget to work and quickly allocated manpower to prepare for installation.

The matter of installing the glass was solved, and I was happy to walk back alone.

The orcs were all doing their jobs, and everything seemed in order. A group of running children attracted Hui Hui's attention.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, it's really shocking when you see it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a group of children. There were twenty or thirty children around the age of five or six, and they were laughing and making noise along the way.

The person taking the lead was none other than the little cub she was most familiar with.

"What are you doing?" Happy stood there and shouted to 'Lang'.

A familiar voice came to his ears, and 'Lang', who was jumping so high at first, suddenly stiffened up. Today, just like a few days ago, I took my friends out to play, but I was actually bumped into by Sister Le.

Like a little robot, he slowly turned his head. I only saw Sister Le's serious expression.

It's over, he knows it's okay to play, but it's obviously wrong to take so many children around and almost ruin the work of the adults.

'Lang' stood up and walked this way with a group of cubs behind him.

"Sister Hui Hui." The little one called out obediently as soon as he walked up to her. She really was the so-called person with a stretched out hand who doesn't hit the smiling face. This little kid is quite cute when he smiles.

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