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TW⚠️: Mentions of death and a CACA

Tom Holland is ready to spend some quality time with his family.  Patty has the weekend free, Harry isn't filming, and Sam took some time off of work.  But Tom is most excited to see his twin sister, Lydia.  But as the family reunion goes on, Lydia is know where to be seen...

As Tom Holland descended from the private jet, his heart swelled with excitement and anticipation. The familiar smell of home - a heady mixture of sea salt and pine trees - filled his nostrils, triggering a wave of nostalgia that swept across his soul. He squinted against the late afternoon sun, shielding his eyes from the glare as he surveyed the lush green expanse of the golf course that stretched out before him. It was a view he had missed dearly during his absence.

Spotting his siblings gathered at the foot of the jet's steps, Tom grinned broadly and bounded down the stairs, eager to reconnect with his beloved family. "Hey, guys!" he called out, throwing his arms wide as he reached them. "It's so good to be home."

Harry, Sam, and Paddy returned his embrace with equal enthusiasm, laughing and clapping each other on the back as if they hadn't seen one another in years. Even though they had all grown up together, they still maintained that special bond that only siblings could share.

"Is Lydia here yet?" Tom asked. Tom had a special bond with his sister, they were twins. Lyd was Tom's other half. "No, not yet," Harry replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Don't worry though.  She's probably still on the base getting things sorted out." Unlike the other Holland siblings, Lydia chose to join the military. She went off to became a fighter pilot in the Navy.

The siblings spent the next few hours catching up on each other's lives. They swapped stories about their latest projects, shared laughs and tears, and rekindled the close-knit bond that had been strengthened by years of shared experiences. The sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, and the gentle breeze off the ocean carried with it a salty tang that made Tom's heart ache for Lydia. He couldn't wait to see her.

"Hey mom," Patty called over to Nicola, their mom, "has Lyd called or texted you yet?"

"No dear, not yet," she replied with a knowing smile, "but I'm sure she'll be here soon enough." Nicola had a special bond with Lydia as well, she was her only daughter. "Why don't we go inside and get some dinner started? I'm sure Lydia will be famished after her flight."

As the boys started setting up dinner, there was a knock on the door. Assuming it was Lyd, all 4 boys raced to the door. But when they opened they opened the door, they were greeted by a tall, stern casualty assistance calls officer (CACO). "Hello, I am LT Brown and this is Chaplain Lee. We have some important information for the Holland family.

"That's us," Dominic stated in a weary voice.

"Let me make sure our information is correct. Are you the father of Flying Ace, Lydia Holland who is stationed on the USS Yorktown?"

That is correct," Dominic said, trying to stay calm.

"Mr and Mrs. Holland, may we please step inside. We need to speak with you privately."

"What's going on?" Sam whispers, tears starting to from in his eyes.

"Boys, stay here, your dad and I are going to have a chat with LT Brown and Mr. Lee," Nicola voice wavers as she tries to put on a brave face for her sons.

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