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Benedict Cumberbatch had invited his sister to his latest Marvel Premier.  But when his sister get's a call saying that she is needed at work, what will she choose? 

The stars were aligned, the universe conspired; it was a night of firsts for Aliya Cumberbatch. Not only was it her first time attending a Marvel movie premiere, but it was also the first time she'd be watching her older brother, Benedict, shine on the big screen. As she stepped out of the sleek black taxi and onto the red carpet, a warm breeze danced through her hair, carrying with it the excited chatter of fans and the paparazzi's incessant flashes. It was a night that felt like magic. Little did she know, fate had one more surprise in store for her.

Just as she was about to enter the theater, her phone buzzed with an urgent call. Her heart skipped a beat, but she couldn't ignore it. It was the hospital, and they needed her for an emergency heart transplant surgery. Her patient was in critical condition, and there was no one else who could do it. For a moment, she felt a pang of disappointment, knowing that she might miss out on the premiere. But then she thought of the hundreds of lives she had saved as a surgeon, and she knew what she had to do.

With a heavy heart, she excused herself from her brother and told him she needed to go. He looked visibly disappointed, but he understood. They exchanged quick hugs and promises to catch up later. As she rushed to the hospital, she couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever get to see the end of the movie. Maybe someday, she thought, as she prepared to save another life.

The familiar beeping of the monitors filled the air as she entered the operating room. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, as if they had done this a thousand times before. Her mind was focused, uncluttered by thoughts of the premiere she was missing. This was what she was born to do, what made her feel truly alive. She could almost hear her brother's voice, encouraging her to be the best doctor she could be.

As the hours ticked by, she found herself lost in the rhythm of the surgery. The patient lay on the operating table, their frail body connected to a tangle of tubes and wires. But she could see past the fear and the pain, to the person they once were and the life they could still live. It was a privilege, she realized, to be given the chance to make a difference in someone's life, even if it meant missing out on her own moments of joy.

The doctors and nurses worked together seamlessly, like a well-oiled machine. There were moments of tension, of course, as they navigated through the complexities of the surgery. But Aliya's steady hands and sharp mind never wavered. She knew that this was what she was born to do, and she would not let anything stand in her way.

As the sun began to rise outside the operating room, signaling the end of a long and grueling night, Aliya finally finished the surgery 32 hours later. The team removed the life-saving heart from the donor and carefully transplanted it into the patient's chest. After ensuring that everything was stable, she stepped back, her shoulders slumping with exhaustion. But there was a sense of satisfaction deep within her that nothing could diminish. She had saved a life, and she had done her job to the best of her ability.

As Aliya and her team lay on the floor of the operation room, exhausted from the intricate surgery, the nurse finally wheeled the patient out of the room. Aliya couldn't help but stare after them, feeling a strange mix of relief and emptiness wash over her. She had done it; she had saved a life.

Standing up, she stretched her tired muscles and turned to find her brother, Benedict, waiting for her in the waiting room. His face was pale, his eyes red from lack of sleep, but there was a smile on his lips that lit up the room. "I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of you," he said, his voice hoarse from emotion. "You're incredible."

Aliya smiled wearily and walked over to him, her limbs feeling like lead. "Thanks, Ben. But I couldn't have done it without the whole team." She gestured behind her to the exhausted medical staff scattered around the room. "We made a great team tonight."

Her brother nodded, taking her hand in his. "You really are something else, you know that? I mean, you could have just gone to the premiere, but you didn't even hesitate. You just did what you had to do." There was a catch in his voice, and Aliya knew that he was struggling to keep his emotions in check.

She squeezed his hand gently in response, her own eyes beginning to well up. "It's what I wanted to do, Ben. I mean, it's what I was born to do, right? I couldn't have just left someone out there..." She trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

Outside the operating room, the waiting room was still abuzz with activity. Nurses and doctors hurried past, their eyes red from fatigue but their faces alight with hope. The air was thick with the mixture of sterilizers and antiseptics that Aliya had become so accustomed to. She followed her brother's lead, collapsing onto a nearby bench, her body finally giving in to the exhaustion that had been dogging her since the moment she'd stepped into the operating room.

"Let's get you home sleepy head," Ben whispers, "You deserve it."

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