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We all love ourselves a nice little vacation, and so do the Avengers! 🏝 

Sorry I haven't added anything in a while.  I kinda forgot I had this account 😂

Life beats you up from time to time again, and sometimes all you need is a little break.  That was exactly how the Avengers felt.  They were tired and exhausted and needed a little vacation 

"Only a week," Fury stated, his countenance stone cold. "Not a second more, I need Romanoff back for another training session."

"Don't be such a party pooper," Tony hollered from across the launch pad.  "You ever heard of a vacation?  It's where you get to relax."

"Lay off him Tony, he's just being salty cause he does't get to go to Hawaii too," Clint said as he boarded the quinjet.  For the first time in a while, the team was getting the well deserved break they needed, so why not enjoy it in paradise?


As the quinjet landed on Tony's private runway, the team gathered their bags, which consisted of thing from swim suits and sunglasses, to back up weapons and bombs (they never knew what could happen).  "Wow," Steve said breathlessly, "This really is paradise."  The sun, slowly but surely, was setting, casting a magical glow onto the hero's.  

"It really is beautiful, isn't it?" Bruce responded softly.  "It's hard to worry when you're in a place like this....well, might as well get some rest, want to be up bright and early so we can watch the sunrise on the beach.  I heard its heavenly."  

As the team descended into Tony's Hawaii House, they were greeted with the warm tropical air and the smell of the ocean. The house was beautiful, tastefully decorated with various art pieces and collectibles from around the world. Each room was spacious, with large windows offering stunning views of the ocean. The Avengers all took turns picking out their rooms, with Bruce and Clint opting for rooms with private balconies, Steve and Natasha going for rooms facing the beach, and Tony and Rhodey settling for rooms overlooking the lush greenery of the surrounding gardens. Once they had settled in, they all agreed to meet up at the beach for dinner.

"So, when Tony brought up the idea of coming to Hawaii for a break I started my research."  Clint announced as the crew walked around Waikiki.  "There are somethings that we MUST do."  Rhodey rolled his eyes at Clint's excitement.  "Did you know that a meteoroid hit Hawaii long ago?  Then they turned the crater into a hike! Can you believe that?"  

"Actually," Tony interjected, "It would be a meteorite, because it hit the Earth's surface, meteoroid's are the ones in space.  Seriously Clint, it's basic science." A smug smile crossed Tony's face, as he once again demonstrated his smart side. 

"Oh shut us Stark," Nat joked as she playfully hit Tony's arm. "Plus, you could use the workout.  Diamond Head less than 2 miles, you got this." A sly smile appeared on Nat's face at her quick and witty burn.

"I was actually planning on just going to the beach and reading,"  Steve mentioned.  "given the fact that we're always on the move, I was planning on just having some... me time."

"Old man." Tony responded."

"Tones and I were planing on just walking around Waikiki, given the fact that this the most towny part of Maui." Rhodey stated.

"I'm gonna go hiking with Clint tomorrow, we saw a good shave ice place that we're going to check out." Nat declared.  The group continued to walk along the beach, allowing the water to wash up onto their feet every now and then.  "It really is calming here." 

"Yeah," Bruce agreed, "That's why I intend to to go visit Kualoa Ranch.  I heard the mountains are amazing."

"So we all have our own plans for tomorrow?" Tony voiced, "That makes things easy."

"I might also go for a early run in the morning,"  Steve started, "see if there are any morning people who might want to play a couple rounds of beach volleyball."

"Sounds like fun," Natasha chimed in, "I'm always up for a game." She gave Steve a friendly smile.  "After a few rounds I can meet back up with Clint."

As the Avengers walk came to a halt, they found themselves outside a classic Hawaiian restaurant.  The aroma of fresh seafood and exotic spices wafted out, tantalizing their senses. The decor was simple yet inviting, with colorful paintings and woven tapestries adorning the walls. The group wasted no time in filing inside and finding a table, where they were greeted by a friendly hostess who handed them menus. As they eat and enjoyed their food, the group couldn't help but smile, knowing that they deserved this break, and that would be able to get to spend it together.

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